General Design of Queues - 2.0 English - PG344

Versal Adaptive SoC DMA and Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express Product Guide (PG344)

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2.0 English

The multi-queue DMA engine of the QDMA uses RDMA model queue pairs to allow RNIC implementation in the user logic. Each queue set consists of Host to Card (H2C), Card to Host (C2H), and a C2H Stream Completion (CMPT). The elements of each queue are descriptors.

H2C and C2H are always written by the driver/software; hardware always reads from these queues. H2C carries the descriptors for the DMA read operations from Host. C2H carries the descriptors for the DMA write operations to the Host.

In internal mode, H2C descriptors carry address and length information and are called gather descriptors. They support 32 bits of metadata that can be passed from software to hardware along with every descriptor. The descriptor can be memory mapped (where it carries host address, card address, and length of DMA transfer) or streaming (only host address, and length of DMA transfer) based on context settings. Through descriptor bypass, an arbitrary descriptor format can be defined, where software can pass immediate data and/or additional metadata along with packet.

C2H queue memory mapped descriptors include the card address, the host address and the length. In streaming internal cached mode, descriptors carry only the host address. The buffer size of the descriptor, which is programmed by the driver, is expected to be of fixed size for the whole queue. Actual data transferred associated with each descriptor does not need to be the full length of the buffer size.

The software advertises valid descriptors for H2C and C2H queues by writing its producer index (PIDX) to the hardware. The status descriptor is the last entry of the descriptor ring, except for a C2H stream ring. The status descriptor carries the consumer index (CIDX) of the hardware so that the driver knows when to reclaim the descriptor and deallocate the buffers in the host.

For the C2H stream mode, C2H descriptors will be reclaimed based on the CMPT queue entry. Typically, this carries one entry per C2H packet, indicating one or more C2H descriptors is consumed. The CMPT queue entry carries enough information for software to claim all the descriptors consumed. Through external logic, this can be extended to carry other kinds of completions or information to the host.

CMPT entries written by the hardware to the ring can be detected by the driver using either the color bit in the descriptor or the status descriptor at the end of the CMPT ring. Each CMPT entry can carry metadata for a C2H stream packet and can also serve as a custom completion or immediate notification for the user application.

The base address of all ring buffers (H2C, C2H, and CMPT) should be aligned to a 4 KB address.

Figure 1. Queue Ring Architecture

The software can program 16 different ring sizes. The ring size for each queue can be selected from context programing. The last queue entry is the descriptor status, and the number of allowable entries is (queue size -1).

For example, if queue size is 8, which contains the entry index 0 to 7, the last entry (index 7) is reserved for status. This index should never be used for PIDX update, and PIDX update should never be equal to CIDX. For this case, if CIDX is 0, the maximum PIDX update would be 6.

In the example above, if traffic has already started and the CIDX is 4, the maximum PIDX update is 3.