Feature Summary - 2.0 English - PG344

Versal Adaptive SoC DMA and Bridge Subsystem for PCI Express Product Guide (PG344)

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2.0 English

The XDMA Subsystem allows for the movement of data between Host memory and the DMA subsystem. It does this by operating on 'descriptors' that contain information about the source, destination and amount of data to transfer. These direct memory transfers can be both in the Host to Card (H2C) and Card to Host (C2H) transfers. The DMA can be configured to have a single AXI4 Master interface shared by all channels or one AXI4-Stream interface for each channel enabled. Memory transfers are specified on a per-channel basis in descriptor linked lists, which the DMA fetches from host memory and processes. Events such as descriptor completion and errors are signaled using interrupts. The core also provides up to 16 user interrupt wires that generate interrupts to the host.

The host is able to directly access the user logic through two interfaces:
The AXI4-Lite Master Configuration port
This port is a fixed 32-bit port and is intended for non-performance-critical access to user configuration and status registers.
The AXI Memory Mapped Master CQ Bypass port
The width of this port is the same as the DMA channel datapaths and is intended for high-bandwidth access to user memory that might be required in applications such as peer-to-peer transfers.

The user logic is able to access the XDMA internal configuration and status registers through an AXI4-Lite Slave Configuration interface. Requests that are mastered on this interface are not forwarded to PCI Express.