Signal Name | I/O | Description |
s_axil_csr_awaddr[31:0] | I | This signal is the address for a memory mapped write to the DMA
from the user logic. s_axil_csr_awaddr[15]: 1'b1 – QDMA CSR register 1'b0 – Bridge register |
s_axil_csr_awvalid | I | The assertion of this signal means there is a valid write request to the address on s_axil_csr_awaddr. |
s_axil_csr_awprot[2:0] | I | Protection type. This port is not being used. |
s_axil_csr_awready | O | Slave write address ready. |
s_axil_csr_wdata[31:0] | I | Slave write data. |
s_axil_csr_wstrb[3:0] | I | Slave write strobe. |
s_axil_csr_wvalid | I | Slave write valid. |
s_axil_csr_wready | O | Slave write ready. |
s_axil_csr_bvalid | O | Slave write response valid. |
s_axil_csr_bresp[1:0] | O | Slave write response. |
s_axil_csr_bready | I | Save response ready. |
Signal Name | I/O | Description |
s_axil_csr_araddr[31:0] | I | This signal is the address for a memory mapped read to the DMA
from the user logic. s_axil_csr_araddr[15]: 1'b1 – QDMA register 1'b0 – Bridge register |
s_axil_csr_arprot[2:0] | I | Protection type. This port is not being used. |
s_axil_csr_arvalid | I | The assertion of this signal means there is a valid read request to the address on s_axil_csr_araddr. |
s_axil_csr_arready | O | Slave read address ready. |
s_axil_csr_rdata[31:0] | O | Slave read data. |
s_axil_csr_rresp[1:0] | O | Slave read response. |
s_axil_csr_rvalid | O | Slave read valid. |
s_axil_csr_rready | I | Slave read ready. |