Address translations for AXI
address is done based on BDF table programming (0x2420 to 0x2434). These BDF
table entries can be programmed through the AXI Slave CSR interface, s_axil_csr_*
. There are three regions that
you can use for slave data transfers. Each region can be further divided into many
windows for a different address translation. These regions and number of windows
should be configured in the IP wizard configuration. Each entry in the BDF table
programming represents one window. If a you need 2 windows then 2 entries need to be
programmed and so on.
There are some restrictions in programming BDF table.
- All PCIe slave bridge data transfers must be quiesced before programming the BDF table.
- There are six registers for each BDF table entry. All six registers must be programmed to make a valid entry. Even if some registers have 0s, you need to program 0s in those registers.
- All the six registers need to be programmed in an order for an
entry to be valid. Order is listed below.
- 0x2420
- 0x2424
- 0x2428
- 0x242C
- 0x2430
- 0x2434
BDF table entry start address = 0x2420 + (0x20 * i), where i = table entry number.