By default, Vivado synthesis infers an input buffer and global clock buffer (IBUF/BUFG) combination for clocks ports. However, you can use the IO_BUFFER_TYPE and the CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE properties together to direct the Vivado synthesis tool to change the default buffer types, to an IBUF/BUFR pair, no input buffer with a BUFIO clock buffer, or to eliminate the buffers Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoCaltogether.
Mandatory logic optimization (MLO), which occurs at the beginning of link_design
and opt_design
supports the use of the CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE property to
insert global clock buffers. Commonly used values include BUFG for 7 series, and BUFG and
BUFGCE for UltraScale, UltraScale+, and Versal devices. The value NONE can be used for all
architectures to suppress global clock buffer insertion through MLO and opt_design
. For the values BUFG and BUFGCE, opt_design
and MLO inserts the corresponding buffer
type to drive the specified net.
The CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE property indicates what type of clock buffer to infer for the specified net or port objects. The IO_BUFFER_TYPE property indicates whether to infer an input or output buffer for the port.
CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE can be defined in the RTL or in the XDC. When specified in the RTL, the property can be attached to a port. After synthesis, the property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE should be attached to the net driven by the input buffer.
Applicable Objects
- Ports (
) - Apply CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE to any top-level clock port to describe what type
of clock buffer to use, or to use no clock buffer. For 7 series, UltraScale and Ultra Scale Plus, the property
can only be set on ports inside RTL and will not be used by
when set on ports through XDC. For Versal adaptive SoCs,opt_design
only supports CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE on ports through XDC for OOC implementation. For any other flow, the property should be set on the net driven by the top-level port. - Nets (
) - Apply CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE to any signal connected to a top-level clock port (synthesis) or any net (logic optimization) to describe what type of clock buffer to use, or to use no clock buffer.
: Directs the tool to infer the specified clock buffer for clock ports or nets.Note: For Versal architecture, when the net only drives non-clock pins, the property valueBUFG
results in a BUFG_FABRIC being inferred. If the net drives one or more clock pins, then a BUFGCE is inferred. -
(Versal Only): Directs the tool to infer a BUFG_FABRIC for the nets. This property value preferably be set for nets driving non-clock pins. When the valueBUFG_FABRIC
is used on non-Versal architectures, no buffer is inserted and the placer fails with the Vivado error31-1012
. -
: Directs the tool to not infer any clock buffers for the clocks.Note: Use with IO_BUFFER_TYPE “NONE” to prevent Vivado synthesis from inferring any buffers.
- Verilog Syntax
(* clock_buffer_type = "none" *) input clk1;
- VHDL Syntax
entity test is port( in1 : std_logic_vector (8 downto 0); clk : std_logic; out1 : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0)); attribute clock_buffer_type : string; attribute clock_buffer_type of clk: signal is "BUFR"; end test;
- XDC Syntax
set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE BUFMR [get_nets <net_name>]
Affected Steps
- Synthesis
- Opt Design