On the hardware device, each GT includes an independent receiver, hw_sio_rx, which consists of a PCS and a PMA. High-speed serial data flows from traces on the board into the PMA of the GTX/GTH transceiver RX, into the PCS, and finally into the FPGA logic.
Related Objects
HW_SIO_RX objects are associated with hw_server, hw_target, hw_device, hw_sio_ibert, hw_sio_gt, or hw_sio_link objects.
You can query the HW_SIO_RX objects of associated objects:
get_hw_sio_rxs -of [get_hw_sio_gts]
And you can query the objects associated with a specific HW_SIO_RX:
get_hw_sio_links -of [get_hw_sio_rxs]
You can use the report_property
command to report the properties
assigned to a specific HW_SIO_RX object. Refer to the
Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835) for more information. The properties
assigned to hw_sio_rx objects include the following, with example values:
Property Type Read-only Visible Value
CLASS string true true hw_sio_rx
DISPLAY_NAME string true true MGT_X0Y8/RX
DRP.ES_CONTROL string false true 00
DRP.ES_CONTROL_STATUS string false true 0
DRP.ES_ERRDET_EN string false true 0
DRP.ES_ERROR_COUNT string false true 0000
DRP.ES_EYE_SCAN_EN string false true 1
DRP.ES_HORZ_OFFSET string false true 000
DRP.ES_PMA_CFG string false true 000
DRP.ES_PRESCALE string false true 00
DRP.ES_QUALIFIER string false true 00000000000000000000
DRP.ES_QUAL_MASK string false true 00000000000000000000
DRP.ES_RDATA string false true 00000000000000000000
DRP.ES_SAMPLE_COUNT string false true 0000
DRP.ES_SDATA string false true 00000000000000000000
DRP.ES_SDATA_MASK string false true 00000000000000000000
DRP.ES_UT_SIGN string false true 0
DRP.ES_VERT_OFFSET string false true 000
DRP.FTS_DESKEW_SEQ_ENABLE string false true F
DRP.FTS_LANE_DESKEW_CFG string false true F
DRP.FTS_LANE_DESKEW_EN string false true 0
DRP.RXBUFRESET_TIME string false true 01
DRP.RXBUF_ADDR_MODE string false true 1
DRP.RXBUF_EIDLE_HI_CNT string false true 8
DRP.RXBUF_EIDLE_LO_CNT string false true 0
DRP.RXBUF_EN string false true 1
DRP.RXBUF_RESET_ON_CB_CHANGE string false true 1
DRP.RXBUF_RESET_ON_EIDLE string false true 0
DRP.RXBUF_RESET_ON_RATE_CHANGE string false true 1
DRP.RXBUF_THRESH_OVFLW string false true 3D
DRP.RXBUF_THRESH_OVRD string false true 0
DRP.RXBUF_THRESH_UNDFLW string false true 04
DRP.RXCDRFREQRESET_TIME string false true 01
DRP.RXCDRPHRESET_TIME string false true 01
DRP.RXCDR_CFG string false true 0B800023FF10200020
DRP.RXCDR_FR_RESET_ON_EIDLE string false true 0
DRP.RXCDR_HOLD_DURING_EIDLE string false true 0
DRP.RXCDR_LOCK_CFG string false true 15
DRP.RXCDR_PH_RESET_ON_EIDLE string false true 0
DRP.RXDFELPMRESET_TIME string false true 0F
DRP.RXDLY_CFG string false true 001F
DRP.RXDLY_LCFG string false true 030
DRP.RXDLY_TAP_CFG string false true 0000
DRP.RXGEARBOX_EN string false true 0
DRP.RXISCANRESET_TIME string false true 01
DRP.RXLPM_HF_CFG string false true 00F0
DRP.RXLPM_LF_CFG string false true 00F0
DRP.RXOOB_CFG string false true 06
DRP.RXOUT_DIV string false true 0
DRP.RXPCSRESET_TIME string false true 01
DRP.RXPHDLY_CFG string false true 084020
DRP.RXPH_CFG string false true 000000
DRP.RXPH_MONITOR_SEL string false true 00
DRP.RXPMARESET_TIME string false true 03
DRP.RXPRBS_ERR_LOOPBACK string false true 0
DRP.RXSLIDE_AUTO_WAIT string false true 7
DRP.RXSLIDE_MODE string false true 0
DRP.RX_BIAS_CFG string false true 004
DRP.RX_BUFFER_CFG string false true 00
DRP.RX_CLK25_DIV string false true 04
DRP.RX_CLKMUX_PD string false true 1
DRP.RX_CM_SEL string false true 3
DRP.RX_CM_TRIM string false true 4
DRP.RX_DATA_WIDTH string false true 5
DRP.RX_DDI_SEL string false true 00
DRP.RX_DEBUG_CFG string false true 000
DRP.RX_DEFER_RESET_BUF_EN string false true 1
DRP.RX_DFE_CTLE_STAGE1 string false true 8
DRP.RX_DFE_CTLE_STAGE2 string false true 3
DRP.RX_DFE_CTLE_STAGE3 string false true 0
DRP.RX_DFE_GAIN_CFG string false true 020FEA
DRP.RX_DFE_H2_CFG string false true 000
DRP.RX_DFE_H3_CFG string false true 040
DRP.RX_DFE_H4_CFG string false true 0F0
DRP.RX_DFE_H5_CFG string false true 0E0
DRP.RX_DFE_KL_CFG2 string false true 3010D90C
DRP.RX_DFE_KL_CFG string false true 00FE
DRP.RX_DFE_LPM_CFG string false true 0954
DRP.RX_DFE_LPM_HOLD_DURING_EIDLE string false true 0
DRP.RX_DFE_UT_CFG string false true 11E00
DRP.RX_DFE_VP_CFG string false true 03F03
DRP.RX_DFE_XYD_CFG string false true 0000
DRP.RX_DISPERR_SEQ_MATCH string false true 1
DRP.RX_INT_DATAWIDTH string false true 1
DRP.RX_OS_CFG string false true 0080
DRP.RX_SIG_VALID_DLY string false true 09
DRP.RX_XCLK_SEL string false true 0
DRP.TXBUF_RESET_ON_RATE_CHANGE string false true 0
DRP.TXPCSRESET_TIME string false true 01
DRP.TXPMARESET_TIME string false true 01
DRP.TX_LOOPBACK_DRIVE_HIZ string false true 0
DRP.TX_RXDETECT_CFG string false true 1832
DRP.TX_RXDETECT_REF string false true 4
ES_HORZ_MIN_MAX string false true 32
LINE_RATE string false true 0.000
LOGIC.ERRBIT_COUNT string false true 000000000000
LOGIC.GT_SOURCES_SYSCLK string false true 0
LOGIC.LINK string false true 0
LOGIC.MGT_ERRCNT_RESET_CTRL string false true 0
LOGIC.MGT_ERRCNT_RESET_STAT string false true 0
LOGIC.MGT_RESET_CTRL string false true 0
LOGIC.MGT_RESET_STAT string false true 0
LOGIC.RXPAT_ID string false true 1
LOGIC.RXRECCLK_FREQ_CNT string false true 0000
LOGIC.RXRECCLK_FREQ_TUNE string false true 4000
LOGIC.RXUSRCLK2_FREQ_CNT string false true 0000
LOGIC.RXUSRCLK2_FREQ_TUNE string false true 4000
LOGIC.RXUSRCLK_FREQ_CNT string false true 0000
LOGIC.RXUSRCLK_FREQ_TUNE string false true 4000
LOGIC.RXWORD_COUNT string false true 000000000000
LOGIC.RX_DCM_LOCK string false true 1
LOGIC.RX_DCM_RESET_CTRL string false true 0
LOGIC.RX_DCM_RESET_STAT string false true 0
LOGIC.RX_FRAMED string false true 0
LOGIC.TX_DCM_RESET_CTRL string false true 0
LOGIC.TX_DCM_RESET_STAT string false true 1
LOOPBACK enum false true Near-End PCS
NAME string true true
localhost/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210203327463A/0_1/IBERT/Quad_117/MGT_X0Y8/RX PARENT string true true localhost/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210203327463A/0_1/IBERT/Quad_117/MGT_X0Y8
PORT.CFGRESET string false true 0
PORT.CPLLRESET string false true 0
PORT.EYESCANDATAERROR string false true 0
PORT.EYESCANMODE string false true 0
PORT.EYESCANRESET string false true 0
PORT.EYESCANTRIGGER string false true 0
PORT.GTRESETSEL string false true 0
PORT.GTRXRESET string false true 0
PORT.GTTXRESET string false true 0
PORT.LOOPBACK string false true 1
PORT.RESETOVRD string false true 0
PORT.RX8B10BEN string false true 0
PORT.RXBUFRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXBUFSTATUS string false true 0
PORT.RXBYTEISALIGNED string false true 0
PORT.RXBYTEREALIGN string false true 0
PORT.RXCDRFREQRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXCDRHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXCDRLOCK string false true 0
PORT.RXCDROVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXCDRRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXCDRRESETRSV string false true 0
PORT.RXCHANBONDSEQ string false true 0
PORT.RXCHANISALIGNED string false true 0
PORT.RXCHANREALIGN string false true 0
PORT.RXCHARISCOMMA string false true 00
PORT.RXCHARISK string false true 00
PORT.RXCHBONDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXCHBONDI string false true 10
PORT.RXCHBONDLEVEL string false true 0
PORT.RXCHBONDMASTER string false true 0
PORT.RXCHBONDO string false true 00
PORT.RXCHBONDSLAVE string false true 0
PORT.RXCLKCORCNT string false true 0
PORT.RXCOMINITDET string false true 0
PORT.RXCOMMADET string false true 0
PORT.RXCOMMADETEN string false true 0
PORT.RXCOMSASDET string false true 0
PORT.RXCOMWAKEDET string false true 0
PORT.RXDATAVALID string false true 0
PORT.RXDDIEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEAGCHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEAGCOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFECM1EN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFELFHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFELFOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFELPMRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP2HOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP2OVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP3HOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP3OVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP4HOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP4OVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP5HOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFETAP5OVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEUTHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEUTOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEVPHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEVPOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEVSEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEXYDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEXYDHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXDFEXYDOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDISPERR string false true 00
PORT.RXDLYBYPASS string false true 1
PORT.RXDLYEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDLYOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXDLYSRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXDLYSRESETDONE string false true 0
PORT.RXELECIDLE string false true 1
PORT.RXELECIDLEMODE string false true 0
PORT.RXGEARBOXSLIP string false true 0
PORT.RXHEADER string false true 0
PORT.RXHEADERVALID string false true 0
PORT.RXLPMEN string false true 0
PORT.RXLPMHFHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXLPMHFOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXLPMLFHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXLPMLFKLOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXMCOMMAALIGNEN string false true 0
PORT.RXMONITOROUT string false true 7F
PORT.RXMONITORSEL string false true 0
PORT.RXNOTINTABLE string false true FF
PORT.RXOOBRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXOSHOLD string false true 0
PORT.RXOSOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXOUTCLKFABRIC string false true 1
PORT.RXOUTCLKPCS string false true 0
PORT.RXOUTCLKSEL string false true 1
PORT.RXPCOMMAALIGNEN string false true 0
PORT.RXPCSRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXPD string false true 0
PORT.RXPHALIGN string false true 0
PORT.RXPHALIGNDONE string false true 0
PORT.RXPHALIGNEN string false true 0
PORT.RXPHDLYPD string false true 0
PORT.RXPHDLYRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXPHMONITOR string false true 00
PORT.RXPHOVRDEN string false true 0
PORT.RXPHSLIPMONITOR string false true 04
PORT.RXPMARESET string false true 0
PORT.RXPOLARITY string false true 0
PORT.RXPRBSCNTRESET string false true 0
PORT.RXPRBSERR string false true 0
PORT.RXPRBSSEL string false true 0
PORT.RXQPIEN string false true 0
PORT.RXQPISENN string false true 0
PORT.RXQPISENP string false true 0
PORT.RXRATE string false true 0
PORT.RXRATEDONE string false true 0
PORT.RXRESETDONE string false true 0
PORT.RXSLIDE string false true 0
PORT.RXSTARTOFSEQ string false true 0
PORT.RXSTATUS string false true 0
PORT.RXSYSCLKSEL string false true 3
PORT.RXUSERRDY string false true 1
PORT.RXVALID string false true 0
PORT.TXDETECTRX string false true 0
PORT.TXDLYSRESET string false true 0
PORT.TXDLYSRESETDONE string false true 0
PORT.TXPCSRESET string false true 0
PORT.TXPHDLYRESET string false true 0
PORT.TXPMARESET string false true 0
PORT.TXRESETDONE string false true 0
RXDFEENABLED enum false true 1
RXOUT_DIV enum false true 1
RXPLL enum false true QPLL
RXRATE enum false true Use RX_OUT_DIV
RXTERM enum false true 900 mV
RXTERMMODE enum false true Programmable
RXUSRCLK2_FREQ string false true 0.048828
RXUSRCLK_FREQ string false true 0.048828
RX_BER string false true inf
RX_DATA_WIDTH enum false true 40
RX_DFE_CTLE enum false true
RX_INTERNAL_DATAPATH enum false true 4-byte
RX_PATTERN enum false true PRBS 7-bit
RX_PLL string true true
RX_RECEIVED_BIT_COUNT string false true 0
STATUS string false true NO LINK
To report the properties for a HW_SIO_RX object, you can copy and paste the following command into the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell or Tcl Console:
report_property -all [lindex [get_hw_sio_rxs] 0]