Using the Example Design as a Starting Point - 9.0 English - PG051

Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG051)

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9.0 English

The core is delivered through the Vivado Design Suite with an HDL example design built around the core which when placed on a suitable board allows the functionality of the core to be demonstrated using either a simulation package or in hardware. The following figure shows a block diagram of the example design. For details about the Vivado example design, see Example Design.

The example design shows how to:

  • Instantiate the core from HDL.
  • Source and use the user-side interface ports of the core from application logic.
  • Connect the physical-side interface of the core (GMII/MII or RGMII) to device IOBs creating an external interface. (See the Physical Interface chapters in this document)
  • Derive the clock logic required for the core (See the Physical Interface sections in this document).
Figure 1. Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC Core Example Design

Using the example design as a starting point enables you to do the following:

  • Edit the HDL top-level of the example design file to:
    • Change the clocking scheme.
    • Add/remove IOBs as required.
    • Replace the basic pattern generator logic with your specific application logic.
    • Adapt the 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1 Gbps Ethernet FIFO to suit your specific application (see 10, 100, 1000 Mbps Ethernet FIFO).
    • Remove the AXI4-Lite Control State machine and directly drive the AXI4-Lite bus from a processor.
  • Synthesize the entire design.
  • Implement the entire design.
  • After the completion of implementation you can also create a bitstream that can be downloaded to an AMD device.
  • Simulate the entire design using the provided demonstration test bench.
  • Download the bitstream to a target device.