The 10, 100, and 1000 Mbps Ethernet FIFO is available for MAC data rates of up to 1 Gbps. It is described in the following files:
The 10, 100, and 1000 Mbps Ethernet FIFO contains an instance of tx_client_fifo to connect to the MAC TX AXI4-Stream interface, and an instance of the rx_client_fifo to connect to the MAC RX AXI4-Stream interface. Both transmit and receive FIFO components implement an AXI4-Stream user interface, through which the frame data can be read/written. The AXI4-Stream user interface and the MAC TX/RX AXI4-Stream interfaces are eight bits wide. The following figure illustrates a straightforward frame transfer across the user-side AXI4-Stream interface.
Figure 1. Frame Transfer across AXI4-Stream Interface