axiToCharStream - 2023.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2023.2 English
#include "xf_utils_hw/axi_to_stream.hpp"
template <
    int _BurstLen = 32,
    int _WAxi,
    typename _TStrm
void axiToCharStream (
    ap_uint <_WAxi>* rbuf,
    hls::stream <_TStrm>& ostrm,
    hls::stream <bool>& e_ostrm,
    const int len,
    const int offset = 0

Loading char data from AXI master to stream.

This primitive relaxes the alignment requirement, and actually load data by 8-bit char. The 8-bit chars are packed as output stream wide word. The last word may contain invalid data in high-bits if enough char has already been packed.

The alignment width is assumed to be multiple of 8-bit char. The AXI master port width is power of two, and no less than 8.

| DDR  -> AXI_BUS                           -> FIFO     -> stream |
| XXX1    XXX1234567812345_6781234567812345    XXX12345    1234   |
| ...     ...                                  67812345    5678   |
|                                              ...         ...    |
| 32XX    6780000321XXXXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX    21XXXXXX    21XX   |


_BurstLen burst length of AXI buffer, default is 32.
_WAxi width of AXI port, must be power of 2 and between 8 to 512.
_TStrm stream’s type.
rbuf input AXI port.
ostrm output stream.
e_ostrm end flag for output stream.
len number of char to load from AXI port.
offset offset from the beginning of the buffer, in number of char.