Algorithm - 2024.2 English - XD160

Vitis Libraries

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The implemented Connected Component is based on Breadth-first Search graph traversal equipped with one First-In-First-Out queue. The pseudo-code is shown below:

procedure ConnectedComponent(graph_CSR)
grpah_CSC := csr2csc(graph_CSR)

for each vertex v in graph
    result(v) := -1

result(0) := 1
push node 0 into Queue
while all vertexs have been labeled
    while Queue is not empty
        u := pop Queue
        for each edge(u, v) in both graph_CSR and graph_CSC
            if result(v) == -1 then
                result(v) := u + 1
                push v into Queue
            end if
        end for
    end while

    newRoot := findNewRoot(result)
    push root node into Queue
end while

return result

Here, the connected component gets all indegree and outdegree of each u when the input graph is directed. As a result, one addition csr2csc operation is required at the beginning.