#include "xf_data_analytics/geospatial/strtree_wrap.hpp"
template < typename KT, typename VT, typename PT, typename NT, int NC, int ISN, int BSN, int MTCN, int MSN > void strtreeTop ( int sz, double* inX, double* inY, double* inZone, PT* extPointBuf0, PT* extPointBuf1, NT* extNodeBuf0, NT* extNodeBuf1, NT* extNodeBuf2 )
strtreeTop strtree (a geospatial index) uses bottom-up way to build an R tree for two-dimensional points
KT | key type |
VT | value type |
PT | point type |
NT | node type |
NC | node capacity |
ISN | insert sort length |
BSN | block sort length |
MTCN | merge tree channel number |
NSN | max sort length |
sz | real size of inX or inY |
inX | all x value |
inX | all y value |
inZone | points (x, y) limit zone |
extPointBuf0 | output ordered points |
extPointBuf1 | points buffer |
extNodeBuf0 | output ordered nodes |
extNodeBuf1 | nodes buffer |
extNodeBuf2 | nodes buffer |