strtreeTop - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English
#include "xf_data_analytics/geospatial/strtree_wrap.hpp"
template <
    typename KT,
    typename VT,
    typename PT,
    typename NT,
    int NC,
    int ISN,
    int BSN,
    int MTCN,
    int MSN
void strtreeTop (
    int sz,
    double* inX,
    double* inY,
    double* inZone,
    PT* extPointBuf0,
    PT* extPointBuf1,
    NT* extNodeBuf0,
    NT* extNodeBuf1,
    NT* extNodeBuf2

strtreeTop strtree (a geospatial index) uses bottom-up way to build an R tree for two-dimensional points


KT key type
VT value type
PT point type
NT node type
NC node capacity
ISN insert sort length
BSN block sort length
MTCN merge tree channel number
NSN max sort length
sz real size of inX or inY
inX all x value
inX all y value
inZone points (x, y) limit zone
extPointBuf0 output ordered points
extPointBuf1 points buffer
extNodeBuf0 output ordered nodes
extNodeBuf1 nodes buffer
extNodeBuf2 nodes buffer