Internals of Hash-Multi-Join - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English

This document describes the structure and execution of Hash-Multi-Join, implemented as a hashMultiJoin function. Hash-Multi-Join is a combination Join algorithm, which can perform Hash-Join, Hash-Semi-Join and Hash-Anti-Join with programmable ability. It is based on the framework of Hash-Join-v3 as shown in the following figure:

Hash Join MPU Structure

The number of PU is set to 8, as each PU requires two dedicated banks to temporarily store rows in the small table (one for base rows and another for overflow rows). Because of the DDR/HBM memory access delay, four channels can serve enough data to these PUs. Each PU performs Hash-Join in three phases, and details are described in Internals of Hash-Join-v3 and Hash-Build-Probe-v3. The control of Multi-Join function is as follows:

Flag Type
JOIN_SEMI Hash-Semi-Join
JOIN_ANTI Hash-Anti-Join


Make sure the size of the small table is smaller than the size of the HBM buffers. The small table and big table should be fed only ONCE.


Currently, this primitive expects unique key in small table.

The primitive has only one port for key input and one port for payload input. If your tables are joined by multiple key columns or has multiple columns as payload, use combineCol to merge the column streams, and use splitCol to split the output to columns.

There is a deep relation in the template parameters of the primitive. In general, the maximum capacity of rows and depth of hash entry is limited by the size of HTB. Each PU has one HTB in this design, and the size of one HTB is equal to the size of one pseudo-channel in HBM. Here is an example of the row capacity when PU=8:

HTB Size Key Size Payload Size Row Capacity Hash Entry Max Depth for Hash Entry Overflow Capacity
8x256MB 32 bit 32 bit 64M 1M 63 (base rows take 63M) 1M
8x256MB 128 bit 128 bit 16M 1M 15 (base rows take 15M) 1M

The Number of hash entry is limited by the number of URAM in a single SLR. For example, there are 320 URAMs in a SLR of the AMD Alveo™ U280, and the 1M hash entry will take 192 URAMs (96 URAMs for the base hash counter + 96 URAMs for the overflow hash counter). Because the number of hash entry must be the power of two, 1M hash entry is the maximum for the Alveo U280 to avoid crossing the SLR logic which will lead to bad timing performance of the design.