Executable Usage - 2024.2 English - XD160

Vitis Libraries

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
  • Work Directory(Step 1)

The steps for library download and environment setup can be found in l2_vitis_graph. To get the design,

cd L2/benchmarks/twoHop
  • Build kernel(Step 2)

Run the following make command to build your XCLBIN and host binary targeting a specific device. This process takes long.

make run TARGET=hw PLATFORM=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3
  • Run kernel(Step 3)

To get the benchmark results, run the following command.

./build_dir.hw.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/host.exe -xclbin build_dir.hw.xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3/twoHop_kernel.xclbin --offset ./data/data-csr-offset.mtx --index ./data/data-csr-indicesweights.mtx --pair ./data/data-pair.mtx --golden ./data/data-golden.twoHop.mtx

Two hop path count Input Arguments:

Usage: host.exe -[-xclbin --offset --index --pair --golden]
       -xclbin      Xclbin File Name
       --offset     Offset File Name
       --index      Indices File Name
       --pair       Pair File Name
       --golden     Golden File Name


Default arguments are set in Makefile, you can use other Datasets listed in the table.

  • Example output(Step 4)
---------------------Two Hop-------------------
Found Platform
Platform Name: Xilinx
Found Device=xilinx_u50_gen3x16_xdma_201920_3
INFO: Importing ./twoHop_kernel.xclbin
Loading: './twoHop_kernel.xclbin'
kernel has been created
kernel start------
kernel end------
Execution time 3.392ms
Write DDR Execution time 0.243388ms
kernel Execution time 2.85988ms
Read DDR Execution time 0.116564ms