Wrappers around HLS Kernel(s) - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English

All Vitis Vision kernels are provided with C++ function templates (located at <Github repo>/include) with image containers as objects of xf::cv::Mat class. In addition, these kernels will work either in stream based (where complete image is read continuously) or memory mapped (where image data access is in blocks).

Vitis flow (OpenCL) requires kernel interfaces to be memory pointers with width in power(s) of 2. So glue logic is required for converting memory pointers to xf::cv::Mat class data type and vice-versa when interacting with Vitis Vision kernel(s). Wrapper(s) are build over the kernel(s) with this glue logic. The following examples provide a methodology to handle different kernel (Vitis Vision kernels located at <Github repo>/include) types (stream and memory mapped).