Stereo Local Block Matching - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English

The Stereo Local Block Matching example resides in the L2/examples/stereolbm directory.

This benchmark tests the performance of the stereolbm function with a pair of stereo images. Stereo block matching is a method to estimate the motion of the blocks between the consecutive frames, called stereo pair. The postulate behind this idea is that, considering a stereo pair, the foreground objects will have disparities higher than the background. Local block matching uses the information in the neighboring patch based on the window size, for identifying the conjugate point in its stereo pair. While, the techniques under global method, used the information from the whole image for computing the matching pixel, providing much better accuracy than local methods. But, the efficiency in the global methods are obtained with the cost of resources, which is where local methods stands out.

The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide that covers commands for building and running a kernel.