This beamformer is used to compute PW beamformation. As the graph is obtained by the composition of L2 libraries, it has the summation of the components in I/O of the L2 libraries:
- Graph Inputs:
- start_positions: the position that you start the investigation in cartesian coordinate;
- directions: X-Y-Z values of propagation of the spherical or planar wave emitted;
- samples_arange: array with the index of the rf-data;
- image_points_from_PL: the result of Image Points;
- tx_def_ref_point: X-Y-Z array with the reference point of the investigation for that iteration;
- t_start: The starting time of emission;
- apo_ref_0: X component of the vector of apodization reference;
- xdc_def_0: X component of the vector that represents the transducer positions;
- apo_ref_1: Y component of the vector of apodization reference;
- xdc_def_1: Y component of the vector that represents the transducer positions;
- image_points_from_PL_2: Result of Image Points;
- delay_from_PL: Result of Delay;
- xdc_def_positions: X-Y-Z vector that represents the positions of the transducers in the probe;
- sampling_frequency: The sampling frequency of the probe;
- image_points: Result of Image Points;
- apodization_reference: X-Y-Z vector that represents the positions of the apodization reference;
- apo_distance_k: Result of Focusing;
- F_number: The selected F number for the application;
- P1: First point to be interpolated;
- P2: Second point to be interpolated;
- P3: Second point to be interpolated;
- P4: Third point to be interpolated;
- P5: Third point to be interpolated;
- P6: Fourth point to be interpolated;
- Graph Outputs:
- Image Points: A Nx4 matrix that represents the points to analyze;
- delay_to_PL: A vector that represents time delay per point to analyze;
- focusing_output: A vector that represents apodization distance per transducer;
- samples_to_PL: A vector that represents the valid entries in the rf-data vector;
- apodization: A vector that represents the Hanning Window for the reference point chosen;
- C: A vector with the result of the interpolation