#include "xf_utils_hw/stream_dup.hpp"
template < typename _TIn, int _NIStrm, int _NDStrm, int _NDCopy > void streamDup ( const unsigned int choose [_NDStrm], hls::stream <_TIn> istrm [_NIStrm], hls::stream <bool>& e_istrm, hls::stream <_TIn> ostrms [_NIStrm], hls::stream <_TIn> dstrms [_NDCopy][_NDStrm], hls::stream <bool>& e_ostrms )
Duplicate stream.
_TIn | input stream width. |
_NIStrm | number of input stream. |
_NDStrm | number of streams to be duplicated. Should be smaller than _NIStrm. |
_NDCopy | number of copies of duplicated streams to be generated |
choose | option to choose which input streams will be duplicated and configure the order of the out duplicated streams. |
istrm | input data stream. |
e_istrm | end flag stream for input data. |
ostrms | output data streams. |
dstrms | output duplicated streams. |
e_ostrms | end flag streams. |