This section describes using the Vitis Vision library in the Vitis development environment.
Note: The instructions in this section assume that you have downloaded and installed all the required packages.
The include
folder constitutes all the necessary components to build a
Computer Vision or Image Processing pipeline using the library. The common
and core
folders contain the infrastructure that the library
functions need for basic functions, Mat class, and macros. The library
functions are categorized into four folders: features
, video
, dnn
, and
, based on the operation they perform. The names of the folders
are self-explanatory.
To work with the library functions, you need to include the path to the
the include
folder in the Vitis project. You can include relevant header files
for the library functions you will be working with after you source the
folder’s path to the compiler. For example, if you would like to
work with Harris Corner Detector and Bilateral Filter, you must use the
following lines in the host code:
#include “features/xf_harris.hpp” //for Harris Corner Detector
#include “imgproc/xf_bilateral_filter.hpp” //for Bilateral Filter
#include “video/xf_kalmanfilter.hpp” //for Kalman Filter
After the headers are included, you can work with the library functions as described in the Vitis vision Library API Reference using the examples in the examples folder as reference.
The following table gives the name of the header file and the folder name, which contains the library function.
Function Name | File Path in the include folder |
xf::cv::accumulate | imgproc/xf_accumulate_image.hpp |
xf::cv::accumulateSquare | imgproc/xf_accumulate_squared.hpp |
xf::cv::accumulateWeighted | imgproc/xf_accumulate_weighted.hp p |
xf::cv::absdiff, xf::cv::add, xf::cv::subtract, xf::cv::bitwise_and, xf::cv::bitwise_or, xf::cv::bitwise_not, xf::cv::bitwise_xor,xf::cv::multiply ,xf::cv::Max, xf::cv::Min,xf::cv::compare, xf::cv::zero, xf::cv::addS, xf::cv::SubS, xf::cv::SubRS ,xf::cv::compareS, xf::cv::MaxS, xf::cv::MinS, xf::cv::set | core/xf_arithm.hpp |
xf::cv::addWeighted | imgproc/xf_add_weighted.hpp |
xf::cv::autowhitebalance | imgproc/xf_autowhitebalance.hpp |
xf::cv::autoexposurecorrection | imgproc/xf_aec.hpp |
xf::cv::bilateralFilter | imgproc/xf_bilaterealfilter.hpp |
xf::cv::blackLevelCorrection | imgproc/xf_black_level.hpp |
xf::cv::bfmatcher | imgproc/xf_bfmatcher.hpp |
xf::cv::boxFilter | imgproc/xf_box_filter.hpp |
xf::cv::boundingbox | imgproc/xf_boundingbox.hpp |
xf::cv::badpixelcorrection | imgproc/xf_bpc.hpp |
xf::cv::Canny | imgproc/xf_canny.hpp |
xf::cv::colorcorrectionmatrix | imgproc/xf_colorcorrectionmatrix. hpp |
xf::cv::Colordetect | imgproc/xf_colorthresholding.hpp, imgproc/xf_bgr2hsv.hpp, imgproc/xf_erosion.hpp, imgproc/xf_dilation.hpp |
xf::cv::merge | imgproc/xf_channel_combine.hpp |
xf::cv::extractChannel | imgproc/xf_channel_extract.hpp |
xf::cv::ccaCustom | imgproc/xf_cca_custom.hpp |
xf::cv::clahe | imgproc/xf_clahe.hpp |
xf::cv::convertTo | imgproc/xf_convert_bitdepth.hpp |
xf::cv::crop | imgproc/xf_crop.hpp |
xf::cv::distanceTransform | imgproc/xf_distancetransform.hpp |
xf::cv::nv122iyuv, xf::cv::nv122rgba, xf::cv::nv122yuv4, xf::cv::nv212iyuv, xf::cv::nv212rgba, xf::cv::nv212yuv4, xf::cv::rgba2yuv4, xf::cv::rgba2iyuv, xf::cv::rgba2nv12, xf::cv::rgba2nv21, xf::cv::uyvy2iyuv, xf::cv::uyvy2nv12, xf::cv::uyvy2rgba, xf::cv::yuyv2iyuv, xf::cv::yuyv2nv12, xf::cv::yuyv2rgba, xf::cv::rgb2iyuv,xf::cv::rgb2nv12, xf::cv::rgb2nv21, xf::cv::rgb2yuv4, xf::cv::rgb2uyvy, xf::cv::rgb2yuyv, xf::cv::rgb2bgr, xf::cv::bgr2uyvy, xf::cv::bgr2yuyv, xf::cv::bgr2rgb, xf::cv::bgr2nv12, xf::cv::bgr2nv21, xf::cv::iyuv2nv12, xf::cv::iyuv2rgba, xf::cv::iyuv2rgb, xf::cv::iyuv2yuv4, xf::cv::nv122uyvy, xf::cv::nv122yuyv, xf::cv::nv122nv21, xf::cv::nv212rgb, xf::cv::nv212bgr, xf::cv::nv212uyvy, xf::cv::nv212yuyv, xf::cv::nv212nv12, xf::cv::uyvy2rgb, xf::cv::uyvy2bgr, xf::cv::uyvy2yuyv, xf::cv::yuyv2rgb, xf::cv::yuyv2bgr, xf::cv::yuyv2uyvy, xf::cv::rgb2gray, xf::cv::bgr2gray, xf::cv::gray2rgb, xf::cv::gray2bgr, xf::cv::rgb2xyz, xf::cv::bgr2xyz… | imgproc/xf_cvt_color.hpp |
xf::cv::densePyrOpticalFlow | video/xf_pyr_dense_optical_flow.h pp |
xf::cv::DenseNonPyrLKOpticalFlow | video/xf_dense_npyr_optical_flow. hpp |
xf::cv::dilate | imgproc/xf_dilation.hpp |
xf::cv::demosaicing | imgproc/xf_demosaicing.hpp |
xf::cv::erode | imgproc/xf_erosion.hpp |
xf::cv::fast | features/xf_fast.hpp |
xf::cv::filter2D | imgproc/xf_custom_convolution.hpp |
xf::cv::flip | features/xf_flip.hpp |
xf::cv::GaussianBlur | imgproc/xf_gaussian_filter.hpp |
xf::cv::gaincontrol | imgproc/xf_gaincontrol.hpp |
xf::cv::gammacorrection | imgproc/xf_gammacorrection.hpp |
xf::cv::gtm | imgproc/xf_gtm.hpp |
xf::cv::cornerHarris | features/xf_harris.hpp |
xf::cv::calcHist | imgproc/xf_histogram.hpp |
xf::cv::equalizeHist | imgproc/xf_hist_equalize.hpp |
xf::cv::extractExposureFrames | imgproc/xf_extract_eframes.hpp |
xf::cv::HDRMerge_bayer | imgproc/xf_hdrmerge.hpp |
xf::cv::HOGDescriptor | imgproc/xf_hog_descriptor.hpp |
xf::cv::Houghlines | imgproc/xf_houghlines.hpp |
xf::cv::inRange | imgproc/xf_inrange.hpp |
xf::cv::integralImage | imgproc/xf_integral_image.hpp |
xf::cv::KalmanFilter | video/xf_kalmanfilter.hpp |
xf::cv::Lscdistancebased | imgproc/xf_lensshadingcorrection .hpp |
xf::cv::LTM::process | imgproc/xf_ltm.hpp |
xf::cv::LUT | imgproc/xf_lut.hpp |
xf::cv::magnitude | core/xf_magnitude.hpp |
xf::cv::MeanShift | imgproc/xf_mean_shift.hpp |
xf::cv::meanStdDev | core/xf_mean_stddev.hpp |
xf::cv::medianBlur | imgproc/xf_median_blur.hpp |
xf::cv::minMaxLoc | core/xf_min_max_loc.hpp |
xf::cv::modefilter | imgproc/xf_modefilter.hpp |
xf::cv::OtsuThreshold | imgproc/xf_otsuthreshold.hpp |
xf::cv::phase | core/xf_phase.hpp |
xf::cv::preProcess | dnn/xf_pre_process.hpp |
xf::cv::paintmask | imgproc/xf_paintmask.hpp |
xf::cv::pyrDown | imgproc/xf_pyr_down.hpp |
xf::cv::pyrUp | imgproc/xf_pyr_up.hpp |
xf::cv::xf_QuatizationDithering | imgproc/xf_quantizationdithering .hpp |
xf::cv::reduce | imgrpoc/xf_reduce.hpp |
xf::cv::remap | imgproc/xf_remap.hpp |
xf::cv::resize | imgproc/xf_resize.hpp |
xf::cv::rgbir2bayer | imgproc/xf_rgbir.hpp |
xf::cv::convertScaleAbs | imgproc/xf_convertscaleabs.hpp |
xf::cv::Scharr | imgproc/xf_scharr.hpp |
xf::cv::SemiGlobalBM | imgproc/xf_sgbm.hpp |
xf::cv::Sobel | imgproc/xf_sobel.hpp |
xf::cv::StereoPipeline | imgproc/xf_stereo_pipeline.hpp |
xf::cv::sum | imgproc/xf_sum.hpp |
xf::cv::StereoBM | imgproc/xf_stereoBM.hpp |
xf::cv::SVM | imgproc/xf_svm.hpp |
xf::cv::lut3d | imgproc/xf_3dlut.hpp |
xf::cv::Threshold | imgproc/xf_threshold.hpp |
xf::cv::warpTransform | imgproc/xf_warp_transform.hpp |