void predict ( hls::stream <MType> opStrm [D], hls::stream <bool>& eOpStrm, hls::stream <MType> retStrm [1], hls::stream <bool>& eRetStrm, ap_uint <32> cols )
predict based on input features and preset weight and intercept
opStrm | feature input streams. To get a vector of L features, opStrm will be read (L + D - 1) / D times. Feature 0 to D-1 will be read from opStrm[0] to opStrm[D-1] at the first time. Then feature D to 2*D - 1. The last round will readin fake data if L is not divisiable by D. These data won’t be used, just to allign D streams. |
eOpStrm | End flag of opStrm. |
retStrm | Prediction result. |
eRetStrm | End flag of retStrm. |
cols | Effective feature numbers. |