Example logs of graph_scanline - 2024.2 English - XD160

Vitis Libraries

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
  1. List of all the scanline parameters of Example 1 defined by you.
Scanline L2 Graph initialization by using init_img_foc()
: Example 1 for scanline parameters
: speed_sound     = 1540.0      m/s
: freq_sound      = 5000000     Hz
: Wave Length     = 0.000308000 m
: freq_sampling   = 100000000   Hz
: num_sample      = 2048        sample / line
: num_line        = 41          line / image
: num_element     = 128         elemments on transducer
: Sampling Length = 0.000007700 m
: Sampling Depth  = 0.007884800 m
: Sampling Cycle  = 0.000020480 s
: Sampling Input  = 12800.000   MSps
: Imaging output  = 256.250     MPps
: Imaging spf     = 83968       Pixel per frame
: Imaging fps     = 1190.930    fps
  1. List of all the four sets of intermediate results of the evolution from algorithm models to hardware.

    • module by module mode scanline (shown below)
    • line by line mode scanline
    • element by element mode scanline
    • data-unit-by data-unit mode scanline
    • The intermediate results of each mode are distinguished by file naming.
    • For example, MbyM_L1_E128_S2048.int.col is the result of interpolation.
    • In MbyM_L1_S2048.mul.col, L1 means 1 line result, which is used for smoking test.
    • In MbyM_L41_S2048.mul.col, L41 means 41 lines result, which is used for full test to show the png.
    • All files are in a column format.
************************ Now performacing a scanline testing in data-unit-by data-unit mode ************************
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:  ____________________________________________________________________
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:   Algorithm | Data unit pattern |        Invoking times
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    Modules  |  Dim1-seg-sample  | [segment] x [element] x [line]
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:  --------------------------------------------------------------------
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    obj_img  |       [ 512]      |
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    obj_foc  |       [ 128]      |
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    obj_dly  |       [ 512]      |
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    obj_apo  |       [ 512]      | x [4] x [128] x [41]
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    obj_smp  |       [ 512]      |
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    obj_int  |       [2048]      |
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:    obj_mul  |       [2048]      |
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE_UbyU:  ____________________________________________________________________
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving img data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_S2048_Dim0.img.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving img data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_S2048_Dim2.img.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving focusing data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_E128.foc.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving dly data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_S2048.dly.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving smp data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_E128_S2048.smp.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving inside data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_E128_S2048.ins.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving int data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_E128_S2048.int.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving apo data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_E128_S2048.apo.col
MODEL_TEST_SCANLINE: Saving mult data in file data_model/UbyU_L1_S2048.mul.col
  1. List of all AIE graph Static Parameters to check whether the AIE hardware or design restrictions are met. For example, num_invoking is the invoking times of AIE graph.
********** Static Parameter ********************
Const: NUM_LINE_t              = 41
Const: NUM_ELEMENT_t           = 128
Const: NUM_SAMPLE_t            = 2048
Const: VECDIM_foc_t            = 8
Const: NUM_SEG_t               = 4
Const: num_invoking            = 20992
Const: VECDIM_img_t            = 8
Const: LEN_OUT_img_t           = 512
Const: LEN32b_PARA_img_t       = 7
Const: LEN_OUT_foc_t           = 512
Const: LEN32b_PARA_foc_t       = 6
Const: LEN32b_PARA_delay_t     = 17
Const: LEN_IN_delay_t          = 512
Const: LEN_OUT_delay_t         = 512
Const: VECDIM_delay_t          = 8
Const: LEN_OUT_apodi_t         = 512
Const: LEN_IN_apodi_t          = 512
Const: LEN32b_PARA_apodi_t     = 12
Const: VECDIM_apodi_t          = 8
Const: LEN_IN_apodi_f_t        = 128
Const: LEN_IN_apodi_d_t        = 512
Const: NUM_UPSample_t          = 4
Const: LEN_OUT_interp_t        = 2048
Const: LEN_IN_interp_t         = 512
Const: LEN_IN_interp_rf_t      = 2048
Const: LEN32b_PARA_interp_t    = 9
Const: VECDIM_interp_t         = 8
Const: VECDIM_sample_t         = 8
Const: LEN_IN_sample_t         = 512
Const: LEN_OUT_sample_t        = 512
Const: LEN32b_PARA_sample_t    = 12
Const: VECDIM_mult_t           = 8
Const: LEN_IN_mult_t           = 2048
Const: LEN_OUT_mult_t          = 2048
Const: LEN32b_PARA_mult_t      = 8
  1. List of all AIE graph RTP Parameters to check whether design restrictions are met.
********** RTP Parameter ********************
RTP: para_mult_const           size = 32 Bytes
RTP: para_interp_const         size = 36 Bytes
RTP: para_amain_const          size = 48 Bytes
RTP: para_apodi_const          size = 48 Bytes
RTP: g_sam_para_const          size = 48 Bytes
RTP: g_sam_para_rfdim          size = 164 Bytes
RTP: g_sam_para_elem           size = 8 Bytes
RTP: g_delay_para_const        size = 68 Bytes
RTP: g_delay_t_start           size = 164 Bytes
RTP: para_foc_const            size = 24 Bytes
RTP: example_1_xdc_def_pos_xz  size = 2048 Bytes
  1. List of the comparison result with model output. Only values that meet both conditions of Error judgement are considered computational errors. You can also open the macro #define ENABLE_DEBUGGING in L2/include/graph_scanline.hpp to generate all the intermediate results, and it is automatically checked.
***********     Comparison   ************
*********** File 1                           : x86simulator_output/data/mult_All.txt
*********** File 2                           : data_model/UbyU_L41_S2048.mul.col
*********** Error judgement                  : diff_abs > 1.000000e-06 && diff_ratio > 1.000000e-04
*********** Total tested data number         : 8192
*********** Total passed data number         : 8192      100.00%
***********       complete same data number  : 4327      52.82%
***********       complete zero data number  : 4226      51.59%
*********** Absolute Errors distributions   ************
*********** Checked data range of First file : [-2.935699e+05, 3.438067e+05]
*********** Checked data range of Second file: [-2.935699e+05, 3.438067e+05]
Differences range from [ 10^-6 to 10^-5 )    :   494     6.03%
Differences range from [ 10^-5 to 10^-4 )    :   1651    20.15%
Differences range from [ 10^-4 to 10^-3 )    :   1028    12.55%
Differences range from [ 10^-3 to 10^-2 )    :   251     3.06%
Differences range from [ 10^-2 to 10^-1 )    :   172     2.10%
Differences range from [ 10^-1 to 10^ 0 )    :   52      0.63%
Differences range from [ 10^ 0 to 10^ 1 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 1 to 10^ 2 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 2 to 10^ 3 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 3 to 10^ 4 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 4 to 10^ 5 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 5 to 10^ 6 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 6 to 10^ 7 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 7 to 10^ 8 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 8 to 10^ 9 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^ 9 to 10^10 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^10 to 10^11 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^11 to 10^12 )    :   0       0.00%
Differences range from [ 10^12 to 10^13 )    :   0       0.00%
INFO [HLS SIM]: The maximum depth reached by any hls::stream() instance in the design is 2048
Simulation completed successfully returning zero