matrixMultiply overload (1) - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English
#include "matrix_multiply.hpp"
template <
    class TransposeFormA1,
    class TransposeFormA2,
    int RowsA,
    int ColsA,
    int RowsC,
    int ColsC,
    typename InputType,
    typename OutputType,
    typename TRAITS = matrixMultiplyTraits<TransposeFormA1, TransposeFormA2, RowsA, ColsA, RowsA, ColsA, InputType, OutputType>
void matrixMultiply (
    hls::stream <InputType>& matrixAStrm,
    hls::stream <OutputType>& matrixCStrm

matrixMultiply entry point function for calculating matrix power.


TransposeFormA1 Defines if the first matix is transposed before the multiplication. Valid values are: NoTranspose, Transpose, ConjugateTranspose
TransposeFormA2 Defines if the second matix is transposed before the multiplication.
RowsA Defines the number of rows in the A matrix
ColsA Defines the number of columns in the A matrix
RowsC Defines the number of rows in the C matrix
ColsC Defines the number of columns in the C matrix
InputType Input data type
OutputType Output data type
TRAITS Traits class
matrixAStrm Stream of input matrix
matrixCStrm Stream of A^2 product output matrix