#include "xf_database/scan_cmp_str_col.hpp"
void scanCmpStrCol ( ap_uint <512>* ddr_ptr, hls::stream <int>& size, hls::stream <int>& num_str, hls::stream <ap_uint <512>>& cnst_stream, hls::stream <bool>& out_stream, hls::stream <bool>& e_str_o )
sacn multiple columns of string in global memory, and compare each of them with constant string
ddr_ptr | input string array stored in global memory. |
size | the number of times reading global memory |
num_str | the number of actual strings |
cnst_stream | input constant string stream, 512 bits in heading-length and padding-zero format, read only once as configuration. |
out_stream | output whether each string is equal to the constant string, true indicates they are equal. |
e_str_o | end flag stream for output stream. |