#include "xf_security/gmac.hpp"
void aes192Gmac ( hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& dataStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <64>>& lenDataStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <192>>& cipherkeyStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <96>>& IVStrm, hls::stream <ap_uint <128>>& tagStrm )
GMAC using AES-192 block cipher.
Galois Message Authentication Code (GMAC) is a mechanism to provide data origin authentication.
dataStrm | Input text stream to be authenticated. |
lenDataStrm | The length of the data in bits. |
cipherkeyStrm | Input cihperkey to calculate the hash subkey and E(K,Y0). |
IVStrm | Initialization vector. |
tagStrm | The MAC stream. |