hashMultiJoin - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English
#include "xf_database/hash_multi_join.hpp"
template <
    int HASH_MODE,
    int KEYW,
    int PW,
    int S_PW,
    int B_PW,
    int HASHWH,
    int HASHWL,
    int ARW,
    int CH_NM
void hashMultiJoin (
    hls::stream <ap_uint <3>>& join_flag_strm,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <KEYW>> k0_strm_arry [CH_NM],
    hls::stream <ap_uint <PW>> p0_strm_arry [CH_NM],
    hls::stream <bool> e0_strm_arry [CH_NM],
    ap_uint <256>* htb0_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* htb1_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* htb2_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* htb3_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* htb4_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* htb5_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* htb6_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* htb7_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb0_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb1_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb2_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb3_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb4_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb5_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb6_buf,
    ap_uint <256>* stb7_buf,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& pu_begin_status_strms,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <32>>& pu_end_status_strms,
    hls::stream <ap_uint <KEYW+S_PW+B_PW>>& j_strm,
    hls::stream <bool>& j_e_strm

Multi-PU Hash-Multi-Join primitive, using multiple DDR/HBM buffers.

This primitive shares most of the structure of hashJoinV3 . The inner table should be fed once, followed by the outer table once.


HASH_MODE 0 for radix and 1 for Jenkin’s Lookup3 hash.
KEYW width of key, in bit.
PW width of max payload, in bit.
S_PW width of payload of small table.
B_PW width of payload of big table.
HASHWH number of hash bits used for PU/buffer selection, 1~3.
HASHWL number of hash bits used for hash-table in PU.
ARW width of address, larger than 24 is suggested.
CH_NM number of input channels, 1,2,4.
join_flag_strm specifies the join type, this flag is only read once.
k0_strm_arry input of key columns of both tables.
p0_strm_arry input of payload columns of both tables.
e0_strm_arry input of end signal of both tables.
htb0_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table0
htb1_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table1
htb2_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table2
htb3_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table3
htb4_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table4
htb5_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table5
htb6_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table6
htb7_buf HBM/DDR buffer of hash_table7
stb0_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU0
stb1_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU1
stb2_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU2
stb3_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU3
stb4_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU4
stb5_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU5
stb6_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU6
stb7_buf HBM/DDR buffer of PU7
pu_begin_status_strms constains depth of hash, row number of join result
pu_end_status_strms constains depth of hash, row number of join result
j_strm output of joined result
j_e_strm end flag of joined result