Using the Vitis Vision Library Functions on Hardware - 2024.2 English - XD160

Vitis Libraries

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The following table lists the Vitis vision library functions and the commands to run the respective examples on hardware. It is assumed that your design is completely built and the board has booted up correctly.

Table 223 Table: Using the Vitis Vision Library Function on Hardware
Example Function Name Usage on Hardware
accumulate xf::cv::accumulate ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
accumulatesq uared xf::cv::accumulateSquare ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
accumulatewe ighted xf::cv::accumulateWeighted ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
addS xf::cv::addS ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
arithm xf::cv::absdiff, xf::cv::subtract, xf::cv::bitwise_and, xf::cv::bitwise_or, xf::cv::bitwise_not, xf::cv::bitwise_xor ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
addweighted xf::cv::addWeighted ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
Autoexposure correction xf::cv::autoexposurecorr ection ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Autowhite balance xf::cv::autowhitebalance ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Bilateralfil ter xf::cv::bilateralFilter ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
BlackLevel Correction xf::cv::blackLevel Correction ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
BruteForce xf::cv::bfmatcher ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Boxfilter xf::cv::boxFilter ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Badpixelcorr ection xf::cv::badpixelcorrection ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Boundingbox xf::cv::boundingbox ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image> <No of ROI’s>
Canny xf::cv::Canny ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
ccaCustom xf::cv::ccaCustom ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
channelcombi ne xf::cv::merge ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2> <path to input image 3> <path to input image 4>
Channelextra ct xf::cv::extractChannel ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
CLAHE xf::cv::clahe ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Colordetect xf::cv::bgr2hsv, xf::cv::colorthresholding, xf::cv:: erode, xf::cv:: dilate ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
color correction matrix xf::cv::colorcorrection matrix ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
compare xf::cv::compare ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
compareS xf::cv::compareS ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Convertbitde pth xf::cv::convertTo ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
convertScale Abs xf::cv::convertScaleAbs ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Cornertracke r xf::cv::cornerTracker ./exe <input video> <no. of frames> <Harris Threshold> <No. of frames after which Harris Corners are Reset>
crop xf::cv::crop ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Customconv xf::cv::filter2D ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor IYUV2NV12 xf::cv::iyuv2nv12 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2> <path to input image 3>
cvtcolor IYUV2RGBA xf::cv::iyuv2rgba ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2> <path to input image 3>
cvtcolor IYUV2YUV4 xf::cv::iyuv2yuv4 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2> <path to input image 3> <path to input image 4> <path to input image 5> <path to input image 6>
cvtcolor NV122IYUV xf::cv::nv122iyuv ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
cvtcolor NV122RGBA xf::cv::nv122rgba ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
cvtcolor NV122YUV4 xf::cv::nv122yuv4 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
cvtcolor NV212IYUV xf::cv::nv212iyuv ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
cvtcolor NV212RGBA xf::cv::nv212rgba ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
cvtcolor NV212YUV4 xf::cv::nv212yuv4 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
cvtcolor RGBA2YUV4 xf::cv::rgba2yuv4 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor RGBA2IYUV xf::cv::rgba2iyuv ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor RGBA2NV12 xf::cv::rgba2nv12 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor RGBA2NV21 xf::cv::rgba2nv21 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor UYVY2IYUV xf::cv::uyvy2iyuv ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor UYVY2NV12 xf::cv::uyvy2nv12 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor UYVY2RGBA xf::cv::uyvy2rgba ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor YUYV2IYUV xf::cv::yuyv2iyuv ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor YUYV2NV12 xf::cv::yuyv2nv12 ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
cvtcolor YUYV2RGBA xf::cv::yuyv2rgba ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Demosaicing xf::cv::demosaicing ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Difference of Gaussian xf::cv::GaussianBlur, xf::cv::duplicateMat, and xf::cv::subtract ./<exe-name>.elf <path to input image>
Dilation xf::cv::dilate ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Distance Transform xf::cv::distanceTransform ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Erosion xf::cv::erode ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
FAST xf::cv::fast ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Flip xf::cv::flip ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Gaussianfilt er xf::cv::GaussianBlur ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Gaincontrol xf::cv::gaincontrol ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Gammacorrec tion xf::cv::gammacorrection ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Global Tone Mapping xf::cv::gtm ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Harris xf::cv::cornerHarris ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Histogram xf::cv::calcHist ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Histequializ e xf::cv::equalizeHist ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Hog xf::cv::HOGDescriptor ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Houghlines xf::cv::HoughLines ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
inRange xf::cv::inRange ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Integralimg xf::cv::integralImage ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Laplacian Filter xf::cv::filter2d ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Lkdensepyrof xf::cv::densePyrOpticalFlo w ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
Lknpyroflow xf::cv::DenseNonPyr LKOpticalFlow ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
lensshading correction xf::cv::Lscdistancebased ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Lut xf::cv::LUT ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Local tone mapping xf::cv::LTM::process ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Kalman Filter xf::cv::KalmanFilter ./<executable name>.elf
Magnitude xf::cv::magnitude ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Max xf::cv::Max ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
MaxS xf::cv::MaxS ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
meanshifttra cking xf::cv::MeanShift ./<executable name>.elf <path to input video/input image files> <Number of objects to track>
meanstddev xf::cv::meanStdDev ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
medianblur xf::cv::medianBlur ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Min xf::cv::Min ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
MinS xf::cv::MinS ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Minmaxloc xf::cv::minMaxLoc ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Mode filter xf::cv::modefilter ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
otsuthreshol d xf::cv::OtsuThreshold ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
paintmask xf::cv::paintmask ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Phase xf::cv::phase ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Pyrdown xf::cv::pyrDown ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Pyrup xf::cv::pyrUp ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
Quantization Dithering xf::cv::xf_Quatization Dithering ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
reduce xf::cv::reduce ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
remap xf::cv::remap ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image> <path to mapx data> <path to mapy data>
Resize xf::cv::resize ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
rgbir2bayer xf::cv::rgbir2bayer ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
scharrfilter xf::cv::Scharr ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
set xf::cv::set ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
SemiGlobalBM xf::cv::SemiGlobalBM ./<executable name>.elf <path to left image> <path to right image>
sobelfilter xf::cv::Sobel ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
stereopipeli ne xf::cv::StereoPipeline ./<executable name>.elf <path to left image> <path to right image>
stereolbm xf::cv::StereoBM ./<executable name>.elf <path to left image> <path to right image>
subRS xf::cv::SubRS ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
subS xf::cv::SubS ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
sum xf::cv::sum ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image 1> <path to input image 2>
Svm xf::cv::SVM ./<executable name>.elf
threshold xf::cv::Threshold ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
3dlut xf::cv::lut3d ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
warptransfor m xf::cv::warpTransform ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>
zero xf::cv::zero ./<executable name>.elf <path to input image>