#include "xf_fintech/covariance.hpp"
template < typename DT, int N, int M, int U, int V > void covCoreMatrix ( int rows, int cols, DT inMatrix [N][M], DT outCovMatrix [N][N] )
covCoreMatrix calculate the covariance of the input matrix.
DT | data type supported include float and double |
N | maximum supported row |
M | maximum supported column |
U | unroll the 1-d inMatrix to improve throughput, support 4, 8, 16 |
V | unroll the 2-d inMatrix to improve throughput, support 1, 2, 4, 8 |
rows | actual row number |
cols | actual column number |
inMatrix | input cols x rows matrix |
outCovMatrix | output rows x rows covariance matrix |