ErrCode aggregate ( Table& tab_in, std::vector <EvaluationInfo> evals_info, std::string filter_str, std::string group_keys_str, std::string output_str, Table& tab_out, AggrStrategyBase* strategyImp = nullptr )
aggregate function.
err_code = bigaggr.aggregate(tab_l, //input table
{{"l_extendedprice * (-l_discount+c2) / 100", {0, 100}},
{"l_extendedprice * (-l_discount+c2) * (l_tax+c3) / 10000", {0, 100, 100}}
}, // evaluation
"l_shipdate<=19980902", //filter
"l_returnflag,l_linestatus", // group keys
"c0=l_returnflag, c1=l_linestatus,c2=sum(eval0),c3=sum(eval1)", // mapping
tab_c, //output table
sptr); //strategy
Input filter_str like “19940101<=o_orderdate && o_orderdate<19950101”, o_orderdate and o_orderdate must be exsisted colunm names in input table when no filter conditions, input “”
Input evaluation information as a struct EvaluationInfo , creata a valid Evaluation struct using initializer list, e.g. {“l_extendedprice * (-l_discount+c2) / 100”, {0, 100}} EvaluationInfo has two members: evaluation string and evaluation constants. In the evaluation string, you can input a final division calculation. Divisor only supports: 10,100,1000,10000 In the evaluation constants, input a constant for each column, if no constant, like “l_extendedprice” above, input zero.
Input Group keys in a string, like “group_key0, group_key1”, use comma as seperator
Output strings are like “c0=tab_in_col1, c1=tab_in_col2”, when contains several columns, use comma as seperator
StrategyImp class pointer of derived class of AggrStrategyBase .
tab_in | input table |
evals_info | Evalutaion information |
filter_str | filter condition |
group_keys_str | group keys |
out_ptr | output list, output1 = tab_a_col1 |
tab_out | result table |
strategyImp | pointer to an object of AggrStrategyBase or its derived type. |