mixed_radix_fft is a single-channel, decimation-in-time, fixed point size FFT including radix3 or radix5 *stages.
These are the templates to configure the single-channel decimation-in-time class. Note: Rounding modes rnd_sym_floor
and rnd_sym_ceil
will only be supported on AIE-ML device.
TT_DATA | describes the type of individual data samples input to and output from the transform function. This is a typename and must be one of the following: int16, cint16, int32, cint32, float, cfloat. |
TT_TWIDDLE | describes the type of twiddle factors of the transform. It must be one of the following: cint16, cint32, cfloat and must also satisfy the following rules:
TP_POINT_SIZE | is an unsigned integer which describes the number of samples in the transform. This must be 2^N where N is an integer in the range 4 to 16 inclusive. When TP_DYN_PT_SIZE is set, TP_POINT_SIZE describes the maximum point size possible. |
TP_FFT_NIFFT | selects whether the transform to perform is an FFT (1) or IFFT (0). |
TP_SHIFT | selects the power of 2 to scale the result by prior to output. |
TP_RND | selects the rounding mode.
TP_SAT | describes the selection of saturation to be applied during the shift down stage of processing. TP_SAT accepts unsigned integer values, where:
TP_WINDOW_VSIZE | is an unsigned integer which describes the number of samples to be processed in each call to the function. By default, TP_WINDOW_SIZE is set to match TP_POINT_SIZE. TP_WINDOW_SIZE may be set to be an integer multiple of the TP_POINT_SIZE, in which case multiple FFT operations will be performed on a given input window, one calculation per frame of data in the iobuffer, resulting in multiple output frames. This feature of packing multiple frames of data into a single call of the function reduces the number of kernel calls and as a result, reduces the losses due to overheads in the kernel call mechanism. As a result, overall performance is increased. |
TP_CASC_LEN | selects the number of kernels the FFT will be divided over in series to improve throughput |
TP_API | is an unsigned integer to select window (0) or stream (1) interfaces. When stream I/O is selected, one sample is taken from, or output to, a stream and the next sample from or two the next stream. Two streams minimum are used. In this example, even samples are read from input stream[0] and odd samples from input stream[1]. |
template < typename TT_DATA, typename TT_TWIDDLE, unsigned int TP_POINT_SIZE, unsigned int TP_FFT_NIFFT, unsigned int TP_SHIFT, unsigned int TP_RND = 4, unsigned int TP_SAT = 1, unsigned int TP_WINDOW_VSIZE = TP_POINT_SIZE, unsigned int TP_CASC_LEN = 1, unsigned int TP_API = 0 > class mixed_radix_fft_graph: public graph // typedefs typedef std::conditional <std::is_same <TT_DATA, cint16>::value, cint32_t, TT_DATA>::type T_internalDataType // fields kernel m_mixed_radix_fftKernels[TP_CASC_LEN] port_array <input, m_kNumPorts> in port_array <output, m_kNumPorts> out static constexpr int kStreamsPerTile static constexpr int m_kNumPorts static constexpr int m_kR5Stages static constexpr int m_kR3Stages static constexpr int m_kR4Stages static constexpr int m_kR2Stages static constexpr int m_kR5factor static constexpr int m_kR3factor static constexpr int m_kR4factor static constexpr int m_kR2factor static constexpr int m_kTotalStages static constexpr int m_ktwiddleTableSize