Dataset - 2024.2 English - XD160

Vitis Libraries

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

There are 22 sparse matrices used in the benchmark. These sparse matrices can be downloaded from

matrix rows cols NNZs
nasa2910 2910 2910 174296
ex9 3363 3363 99471
bcsstk24 3562 3562 159910
bcsstk15 3948 3948 117816
bcsstk28 4410 4410 219024
s3rmt3m3 5357 5357 207695
s2rmq4m1 5489 5489 281111
nd3k 9000 9000 3279690
ted_B_unscaled 10605 10605 144579
ted_B 10605 10605 144579
msc10848 10848 10848 1229778
cbuckle 13681 13681 676515
olafu 16146 16146 1015156
gyro_k 17361 17361 1021159
bodyy4 17546 17546 121938
nd6k 18000 18000 6897316
raefsky4 19779 19779 1328611
bcsstk36 23052 23052 1143140
msc23052 23052 23052 1154814
ct20stif 52329 52329 2698463
nasasrb 54870 54870 2677324
bodyy6 19366 19366 134748