Key Factors - 2024.2 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.2 English

The following table summarizes the QRD for complex float performance and resources Summary.

Table 208 QRD performance and resources Summary
Platform Matrix LUT DSP Freq. Latency for 1 matrix matrix/sec GFLOPS W GFLOPS/W
Versal core 1024*256 247.8k(29%) 1584(79%) 422MHz 285,976 1.48k 793 17.6* 45.1
Versal permium 1024*256 185.4k(22%) 3258(79%) 388MHz 147,714 2.62k 1412 32.5* 43.5


  • Estimate the dynamic power by AMD Vivado™ 23.2. Confidence level is Medium in Vivado power report.