Evaluating the Functionality - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English

You can build the kernels and test the functionality through software emulation, hardware emulation, and running directly on supported hardware with the FPGA.

Software Emulation: Software emulation is equivalent to running a C-simulation of the kernel. The time for compilation is minimal, and is therefore recommended to be the first step in testing the kernel.

Hardware Emulation: Hardware emulation runs the test on the generated RTL after synthesis of the C/C++ code. The simulation, since being done on RTL requires longer to complete when compared to software emulation.

Testing on the Hardware: To test on hardware, the kernel must be compiled into a bitstream (building for hardware). This would consume some time since the C/C++ code must be converted to RTL, run through synthesis and implementation process before a bitstream is created. As a prerequisite the drivers must be installed for the corresponding XSA, for which the example was built.

Use the following commands to run PL tests:

For PCIe devices:

source < path-to-Vitis-installation-directory >/settings64.sh
source < path-to-XRT-installation-directory >/setup.sh
export PLATFORM=< path-to-platform-directory >/< platform >.xpfm
export OPENCV_INCLUDE=< path-to-opencv-include-folder >
export OPENCV_LIB=< path-to-opencv-lib-folder >
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:< path-to-opencv-lib-folder >
make host xclbin TARGET=< sw_emu|hw_emu|hw >
make run TARGET=< sw_emu|hw_emu|hw >

For embedded devices:

Software Emulation:

source < path-to-Vitis-installation-directory >/settings64.sh
source < path-to-XRT-installation-directory >/setup.sh
export PLATFORM=< path-to-platform-directory >/< platform >.xpfm
export OPENCV_INCLUDE=< path-to-opencv-include-folder >
export OPENCV_LIB=< path-to-opencv-lib-folder >
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:< path-to-opencv-lib-folder >
make run TARGET=sw_emu

Hardware Emulation and Hardware Build:

#Download the platform, and common-image from Xilinx Download Center. Run the sdk.sh script from the common-image directory to install sysroot using the command:
$ ./sdk.sh -y -d ./ -p

#Unzip the rootfs file
"gunzip ./rootfs.ext4.gz"

source < path-to-Vitis-installation-directory >/settings64.sh
export PLATFORM=< path-to-platform-directory >/< platform >.xpfm
export SYSROOT=< path-to-platform-sysroot >
make host xclbin TARGET=< hw_emu|hw >
make run TARGET=< hw_emu|hw > #This command will generate only the sd_card folder in case of hardware build.

Note. For hw run on embedded devices, copy the generated sd_card folder content under package_hw to an SD Card. More information on preparing the SD Card is available here. After successful booting of the board, run the following commands:

cd /mnt
export XCL_BINDIR=< xclbin-folder-present-in-the-sd_card > #For example, "export XCL_BINDIR=xclbin_zcu102_base_hw"