Run a L3 Example - 2024.1 English

Vitis Libraries

Release Date
2024.1 English

For PCIe devices:

$ make all TARGET=< sw_emu | hw_emu | hw >             # Command to build xclbin application
$ make host xclbin TARGET=< sw_emu | hw_emu | hw >     # Command to build host and xclbin application sperate

$ make run TARGET=< sw_emu | hw_emu | hw >             # Command to run application in emulation

$ make cleanall                                        # Delete generated files

Note: Before the 2022.2 release, HOST_ARCH and SYSROOT are required for SoC shells. From the 2022.2 release, you are no longer required or suggested to set HOST_ARCH in the command line flow. HOST_ARCH is now obtained from the platform file.

For embedded devices:

$ make all TARGET=< sw_emu | hw_emu | hw >  HOST_ARCH=< aarch32 | aarch64 [Option before 22.2] >
$ make host xclbin TARGET=< sw_emu | hw_emu | hw >  HOST_ARCH=< aarch32 | aarch64 [Option before 22.2] >

$ make run TARGET=< sw_emu | hw_emu | hw >  HOST_ARCH=< aarch32 | aarch64 [Option before 22.2] >

$ make cleanall                                        # Delete generated files

Note: Compilation for hardware generates custom logic to implement the functionality of the kernels in an application. It is typical for hardware compile times to range from 30 minutes to a couple of hours.