In the Dword-aligned mode, the transfer starts with the three descriptor Dwords, followed
immediately by the payload Dwords. The entire TLP, consisting of the descriptor and
payload, is transferred as a single AXI4-Stream packet. Data within
the payload is always a contiguous stream of bytes when the length of the payload
exceeds two Dwords. The positions of the first valid byte within the first Dword of the
payload and the last valid byte in the last Dword can then be determined from the Lower
Address and Byte Count fields of the Request Completion Descriptor. When the payload
size is 2 Dwords or less, the valid bytes in the payload are not be contiguous. In these
cases, the user logic must store the First Byte Enable and the Last Byte Enable fields
associated with each request sent out on the requester request interface and use them to
determine the valid bytes in the completion payload. The user logic are optionally use
the byte enable outputs byte_en[63:0]
within the
bus to determine the valid bytes in the payload, in
the cases of both contiguous and non-contiguous payloads.
The core keeps the signal m_axis_rc_tvalid
asserted over the entire
duration of the packet. The user logic can prolong a beat at any time by pulling down
m_axis_rc_tready. The AXI4-Stream interface signals
(one per Dword position) indicate the valid Dwords
in the packet including the descriptor and any null bytes inserted between the
descriptor and the payload. That is, the tkeep
bits are set to 1
contiguously from the first Dword of the descriptor until the last Dword of the payload.
During the transfer of a packet, the m_axis_rc_tkeep
bits can be 0 only
in the last beat of the packet, when the packet does not fill the entire width of the
interface. The signal m_axis_rc_tlast
is always asserted in the last
beat of the packet.
The m_axi_rc_tuser
bus provides several
optional signals that can be used to simplify the logic associated with the user side of
the interface, or to support additional features. The signal is_sop[0]
is asserted in the first beat of every packet, when its
descriptor is on the bus. When the straddle option is not in use, none of the other sop
and eop indications within m_axi_rc_tuser
are relevant
to the transfer of Completions. The byte enable outputs byte_en[127:0]
(one per byte lane) indicate the valid bytes in the
payload. These signals are asserted only when a valid payload byte is in the
corresponding lane (it is not asserted for descriptor or null bytes). The asserted byte
enable bits are always contiguous from the start of the payload, except when payload
size is 2 Dwords or less. For Completion payloads of two Dwords or less, the 1s on
are not be contiguous. Another special case
is that of a zero-length memory read, when the core transfers a one-Dword payload with
the byte_en
bits all set to 0. Thus, the user logic
can, in all cases, use the byte_en
signals directly to
enable the writing of the associated bytes into memory.
The following figure illustrates the Dword-aligned transfer of a Completion TLP received from the link with an associated payload across the requester completion interface. For the purpose of illustration, the size of the data block being written into user memory is assumed to be n Dwords, where n = k*16 + 4, for some k > 1. The timing diagrams in this section assume that the Completions are not straddled on the interface. The straddle feature is described in Straddle Option for RC Interface.
The following figure illustrates the address-aligned transfer of a Completion TLP received from the link with an associated payload across the requester completion interface. In the example timing diagrams, the starting Dword address of the data block being transferred (as conveyed in the Lower Address field of the descriptor) is assumed to be (m*16 +1), for some integer m. The size of the data block is assumed to be n Dwords, where n = k * 16 +4, for some k > 0. The straddle option is not valid for 128-bit address aligned transfers, so the timing diagrams assume that the Completions are not straddled on the interface.
In the 128-bit address aligned mode, the delivery of the payload always starts
in the beat following the last byte of the descriptor. The first byte of the payload can
appear on any of the bytes lanes 16 - 32, based on the address of the first valid byte
of the payload. The m_axis_rc_tkeep
bits are set to 1
contiguously from the first Dword of the descriptor until the last Dword of the payload.
The alignment of the first Dword on the data bus within its 128-bit field is determined
by the setting of the addr_offset[1:0]
input of the
requester request interface when the user application sent the request to the core. The
user application are optionally use the byte enable outputs byte_en[127:0]
to determine the valid bytes in the payload.