Configuration Status Interface - 3.4 English - PG346

Versal Adaptive SoC CPM Mode for PCI Express Product Guide (PG346)

Document ID
Release Date
3.4 English

The configuration status interface provides information on how the core is configured, such as the negotiated link width and speed, the power state of the core, and configuration errors. The following table defines the ports in the configuration status interface of the core.

Note: The pcie0* signals map to PCIe Controller 0 and pcie1* signals map to PCIe Controller 1 in the port descriptions below.
Table 1. Configuration Status Interface Port Descriptions
Port I/O Width Description
pcie0_cfg_status_cq_np_req_count pcie1_cfg_status_cq_np_req_count O 6 This output provides the current value of the credit count maintained by the core for delivery of Non-Posted requests to the user logic. The core delivers a Non-Posted request across the completer request interface only when this credit count is non-zero. This counter saturates at a maximum limit of 32.

Because of internal pipeline delays, there can be several cycles of delay between the user application providing credit on the pcie_cfg_status_cq_np_req[1:0] inputs and the PCIe core updating the pcie_cfg_status_cq_np_req_count output in response.

This count resets on user_reset and deassertion of user_lnk_up.


I 2 This input is used by the user application to request the delivery of a Non-Posted request. The core implements a credit-based flow control mechanism to control the delivery of Non-Posted requests across the interface, without blocking Posted TLPs.

This input to the core controls an internal credit count. The credit count is updated in each clock cycle based on the setting of pcie_cfg_status_cq_np_req[1:0] as follows:

  • 00: No change
  • 01: Increment by 1
  • 10 or 11: Increment by 2

The credit count is decremented on the delivery of each Non-Posted request across the interface. The core temporarily stops delivering Non-Posted requests to the user logic when the credit count is zero. It continues to deliver any Posted TLPs received from the link even when the delivery of Non-Posted requests has been paused.

The user application can either set pcie_cfg_status_cq_np_req[1:0] in each cycle based on the status of its Non-Posted request receive buffer, or can set it to 11 permanently if it does not need to exercise selective backpressure on Non-Posted requests.

The setting of pcie_cfg_status_cq_np_req[1:0] does not need to be aligned with the packet transfers on the completer request interface.

pcie0_cfg_status_phy_link_down pcie1_cfg_status_phy_link_down O 1 Configuration link down

Status of the PCI Express link based on the Physical Layer LTSSM.

  • 1b: Link is Down (LinkUp state variable is 0b)
  • 0b: Link is Up (LinkUp state variable is 1b)
Note: Per the PCI Express Base Specification, rev. 3.0, LinkUp is 1b in the Recovery, L0, L0s, L1, and L2 cfg_status_ltssm states. In the configuration state, LinkUp can be 0b or 1b. It is always 0b when the configuration state is reached using Detect > Polling > Configuration. LinkUp is 1b if the configuration state is reached through any other state transition.
Note: While reset is asserted, the output of this signal are 0b until reset is released.
pcie0_cfg_status_phy_link_status pcie1_cfg_status_phy_link_status O 2 Configuration Link Status

Status of the PCI Express link.

  • 00b: No receivers detected
  • 01b: Link training in progress
  • 10b: Link up, DL initialization in progress
  • 11b: Link up, DL initialization completed
pcie0_cfg_status_negotiated_width pcie1_cfg_status_negotiated_width O 3 Negotiated Link Width

This output indicates the negotiated width of the given PCI Express Link and is valid when cfg_status_phy_link_status[1:0] == 11b (DL Initialization is complete).

Negotiated Link Width values:

  • 000b = x1
  • 001b = x2
  • 010b = x4
  • 011b = x8
  • 100b = x16
  • Other values are reserved.
pcie0_cfg_status_current_speed pcie1_cfg_status_current_speed O

2 for CPM4

3 for CPM5

Current Link Speed

This signal outputs the current link speed of the given PCI Express Link.

  • 00b: 2.5 GT/s PCI Express Link Speed
  • 01b: 5.0 GT/s PCI Express Link Speed
  • 10b: 8.0 GT/s PCI Express Link Speed
  • 11b: 16.0 GT/s PCI Express Link Speed
  • 100b: 32.0 GT/s PCI Express Link Speed



O 2 Max_Payload_Size

This signal outputs the maximum payload size from Device Control register bits 7 down to 5. This field sets the maximum TLP payload size. As a Receiver, the logic must handle TLPs as large as the set value. As a Transmitter, the logic must not generate TLPs exceeding the set value.

  • 00b: 128 bytes maximum payload size
  • 01b: 256 bytes maximum payload size
  • 10b: 512 bytes maximum payload size
  • 11b: 1024 bytes maximum payload size



O 3 Max_Read_Request_Size

This signal outputs the maximum read request size from Device Control register bits 14 down to 12. This field sets the maximum Read Request size for the logic as a Requester. The logic must not generate Read Requests with size exceeding the set value.

  • 000b: 128 bytes maximum Read Request size
  • 001b: 256 bytes maximum Read Request size
  • 010b: 512 bytes maximum Read Request size
  • 011b: 1024 bytes maximum Read Request size
  • 100b: 2048 bytes maximum Read Request size
  • 101b: 4096 bytes maximum Read Request size
  • Other values are reserved




16 for CPM4

4 for CPM5

Configuration Function Status

These outputs indicate the states of the Command register bits in the PCI configuration space of each function. These outputs are used to enable requests and completions from the host logic. The assignment of bits is as follows:

  • Bit 0: Function 0 I/O Space Enable
  • Bit 1: Function 0 Memory Space Enable
  • Bit 2: Function 0 Bus Master Enable
  • Bit 3: Function 0 INTx Disable
  • Bit 4: Function 1 I/O Space Enable
  • Bit 5: Function 1 Memory Space Enable
  • Bit 6: Function 1 Bus Master Enable
  • Bit 7: Function 1 INTx Disable
  • Bit 8: Function 2 I/O Space Enable
  • Bit 9: Function 2 Memory Space Enable
  • Bit 10: Function 2 Bus Master Enable
  • Bit 11: Function 2 INTx Disable
  • Bit 12: Function 3 I/O Space Enable
  • Bit 13: Function 3 Memory Space Enable
  • Bit 14: Function 3 Bus Master Enable
  • Bit 15: Function 3 INTx Disable
Note: In CPM5, only the Function 0 state is indicated. For subsequent functions, the wrreq interface is used.


O 504

For CPM4

Configuration Virtual Function Status

These outputs indicate the status of virtual functions, two bits each per virtual function.

  • Bit 0: Virtual function 0: Configured/Enabled by the software
  • Bit 1: Virtual function 0: PCI Command register, Bus Master Enable
  • Bit 2: Virtual function 1: Configured/Enabled by software
  • Bit 3: Virtual function 1: PCI Command register, Bus Master Enable.

For CPM5

This pin is not available and unused, use wrreq interface instead.




12 in CPM4

3 in CPM5

Configuration Function Power State

These outputs indicate the current power state of the physical functions. Bits [2:0] capture the power state of function 0, and bits [5:3] capture that of function 1, and so on. The possible power states are:

  • 000: D0_uninitialized
  • 001: D0_active
  • 010: D1
  • 100: D3_hot
  • Other values are reserved.
Note: In CPM5, only the Function 0 power state is indicated. For subsequent functions, the wrreq interface is used.
pcie0_cfg_status_vf_power_state pcie1_cfg_status_vf_power_state O 756

For CPM4

Configuration Virtual Function Power State

These outputs indicate the current power state of the virtual functions. Bits [2:0] capture the power state of virtual function 0, and bits [5:3] capture that of virtual function 1, and so on. The possible power states are:

  • 000: D0_uninitialized
  • 001: D0_active
  • 010: D1
  • 100: D3_hot
  • Other values are reserved.

For CPM5

This pin is not available and unused, use wrreq interface instead.

pcie0_cfg_status_link_power_state pcie1_cfg_status_link_power_state O 2 Current power state of the PCI Express link, and is valid when cfg_status_phy_link_status[1:0] == 11b (DL Initialization is complete).
  • 00: L0
  • 01: TX L0s
  • 10: L1
  • 11: L2/3 Ready
pcie0_cfg_status_local_error_out pcie1_cfg_status_local_error_out O 5 Local Error Conditions: Error priority is noted and Priority 0 has the highest priority.
  • 00000b - Reserved
  • 00001b - Physical Layer Error Detected (Priority 21)
  • 00010b - Link Replay Timeout (Priority 17)
  • 00011b - Link Replay Rollover (Priority 18)
  • 00100b - Link Bad TLP Received (Priority 15)
  • 00101b - Link Bad DLLP Received (Priority 16)
  • 00110b - Link Protocol Error (Priority 10)
  • 00111b - Replay Buffer RAM Correctable ECC Error (Priority 27)
  • 01000b - Replay Buffer RAM Uncorrectable ECC Error (Priority 4)
  • 01001b - Receive Posted Request RAM Correctable ECC Error (Priority 25)
  • 01010b - Receive Posted Request RAM Uncorrectable ECC Error (Priority 2)
  • 01011b - Receive Completion RAM Correctable ECC Error (Priority 26)
  • 01100b - Receive Completion RAM Uncorrectable ECC Error (Priority 3)
  • 01101b - Receive Posted Buffer Overflow Error (Priority 6)
  • 01110b - Receive Non-Posted Buffer Overflow Error (Priority 7)
  • 01111b - Receive Completion Buffer Overflow Error (Priority 8)
  • 10000b - Flow Control Protocol Error (Priority 9)
  • 10001b - Transmit Parity Error Detected (Priority 5)
  • 10010b - Unexpected Completion Received (Priority 20)
  • 10011b - Completion Timeout Detected (Priority 19)
  • 10100b - AXI4ST RQ INTFC Packet Drop (Priority 22)
  • 10101b - AXI4ST CC INTFC Packet Drop (Priority 23)
  • 10110b - AXI4ST CQ Poisoned Drop (Priority 24)
  • 10111b - axi2cfg_rq_parity_error_detected_i (Priority 1)
  • 11000b - axi2cfg_cc_parity_error_detected_i (Priority 0)
  • 11001b - Reserved
  • 11010b - Reserved
  • 11011b - MSIX RAM Internal Correctable Error (Priority 29)
  • 11100b - MSIX RAM Internal Uncorrectable Error (Priority 13)
  • 11101b - DVSEC RAM Internal Correctable Error (Priority 30)
  • 11110b - DVSEC RAM Internal Uncorrectable Error (Priority 14)
  • 11111b - Reserved
pcie0_cfg_status_local_error_valid pcie1_cfg_status_local_error_valid O 1 Local Error Conditions Valid: Block activates this output for one cycle when any of the errors in cfg_status_local_error_out[4:0] are encountered. When driven 1b cfg_status_local_error_out[4:0] indicates local error type. Priority of error reporting (for the case of concurrent errors) is noted.
Note: This signal might not work for all PCIe link width/speed configurations. Do not rely solely on this signal to indicate an error. Alternatively, you can decode AER register to accurately detect errors.
pcie0_cfg_status_rx_pm_state pcie1_cfg_status_rx_pm_state O 2 Current RX Active State Power Management L0s State: Encoding is listed below and valid when cfg_status_ltssm_state is indicating L0:
  • RX_NOT_IN_L0s = 0
  • RX_L0s_ENTRY = 1
  • RX_L0s_IDLE = 2
  • RX_L0s_FTS = 3
pcie0_cfg_status_tx_pm_state pcie1_cfg_status_tx_pm_state O 2 Current TX Active State Power Management L0s State: Encoding is listed below and valid when cfg_status_ltssm_state is indicating L0:
  • TX_NOT_IN_L0s = 0
  • TX_L0s_ENTRY = 1
  • TX_L0s_IDLE = 2
  • TX_L0s_FTS = 3
pcie0_cfg_status_ltssm_state pcie1_cfg_status_ltssm_state O 6 LTSSM State. Shows the current LTSSM state:
  • 00: Detect.Quiet
  • 01: Detect.Active
  • 02: Polling.Active
  • 03: Polling.Compliance
  • 04: Polling.Configuration
  • 05: Configuration.Linkwidth.Start
  • 06: Configuration.Linkwidth.Accept
  • 07: Configuration.Lanenum.Accept
  • 08: Configuration.Lanenum.Wait
  • 09: Configuration.Complete
  • 0A: Configuration.Idle
  • 0B: Recovery.RcvrLock
  • 0C: Recovery.Speed
  • 0D: Recovery.RcvrCfg
  • 0E: Recovery.Idle
  • 10: L0
  • 11-16: Reserved
  • 17: L1.Entry
  • 18: L1.Idle
  • 19-1A: Reserved
  • 20: Disabled
  • 21: Loopback_Entry_Master
  • 22: Loopback_Active_Master
  • 23: Loopback_Exit_Master
  • 24: Loopback_Entry_Slave
  • 25: Loopback_Active_Slave
  • 26: Loopback_Exit_Slave
  • 27: Hot_Reset
  • 28: Recovery_Equalization_Phase0
  • 29: Recovery_Equalization_Phase1
  • 2a: Recovery_Equalization_Phase2
  • 2b: Recovery_Equalization_Phase3




4 in CPM4

1 in CPM5

RCB Status.

Provides the setting of the Read Completion Boundary (RCB) bit in the Link Control register of each physical function. In Endpoint mode, bit 0 indicates the RCB for Physical Function 0 (PF 0), bit 1 indicates the RCB for PF 1, and so on. In RC mode, bit 0 indicates the RCB setting of the Link Control register of the RP, bit 1 is reserved.

For each bit, a value of 0 indicates an RCB of 64 bytes and a value of 1 indicates 128 bytes.
Note: In CPM5, only the Function 0 setting is indicated. For subsequent functions, the wrreq interface is used.
pcie0_cfg_status_pl_status_change pcie1_cfg_status_pl_status_change O 1 This output is used by the core in Root Port mode to signal one of the following link training-related events:
  • The link bandwidth changed as a result of the change in the link width or operating speed and the change was initiated locally (not by the link partner), without the link going down. This interrupt is enabled by the Link Bandwidth Management Interrupt Enable bit in the Link Control register. The status of this interrupt can be read from the Link Bandwidth Management Status bit of the Link Status register; or
  • The link bandwidth changed autonomously as a result of the change in the link width or operating speed and the change was initiated by the remote node. This interrupt is enabled by the Link Autonomous Bandwidth Interrupt Enable bit in the Link Control register. The status of this interrupt can be read from the Link Autonomous Bandwidth Status bit of the Link Status register; or
  • The Link Equalization Request bit in the Link Status 2 register was set by the hardware because it received a link equalization request from the remote node. This interrupt is enabled by the Link Equalization Interrupt Enable bit in the Link Control 3 register. The status of this interrupt can be read from the Link Equalization Request bit of the Link Status 2 register.

The pl_interrupt output is not active when the core is configured as an Endpoint.



O 1 Extended Tag Enable:Per function state of Device Control Register Ext Tag (8-Bit) Enable bit.



4 in CPM4

1 in CPM5

Atomic Operation Requester Enable: Per function state of Device Control2 Register AtomicOp Requester Enable bit.
Note: In CPM5, only the Function 0 state is indicated. For subsequent functions, the wrreq interface is used.




4 in CPM4

1 in CPM5

10b Tag Requester Enable: Per function state of Device Control2 Register 10-Bit Tag Requester Enable bit.
Note: In CPM5, only the Function 0 state is indicated. For subsequent functions, the wrreq interface is used.


O 4 This output provides an indication of the number of free tags available for allocation to Non-Posted requests on the PCIe master side of the core. The user logic checks this output before transmitting a Non-Posted request on the requester request interface, to avoid blocking the interface when no tags are available. The encodings are:
  • 0000: No tags available
  • 0001: 1 tag available
  • 0010: 2 tags available
  • ...
  • 1110: 14 tags available
  • 1111: 15 or more tags available

Because of pipeline delays, the value on this output does not include the tags consumed by the Non-Posted requests sent by the user logic in the last 8 clock cycles or less. The user logic must adjust the value on this output by the number of Non-Posted requests it sent in the previous clock cycles, if any.


1 O The core asserts this output for one cycle when it has allocated a tag to an incoming Non-Posted request from the requester request interface and placed it on the pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag0 output. The bit is encoded as follows:
  • 0: No tags being provided in this cycle.
  • 1: A tag is presented on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag0.


1 O The core asserts this output for one cycle when it has allocated a tag to an incoming Non-Posted request from the requester request interface and placed it on the pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag1 output. The bit is encoded as follows:
  • 0: No tag is provided on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag1 in this cycle.
  • 1: A tag is presented on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag1.



20 O When tag management for Non-Posted requests is performed by the core (Enable Client Tag is unchecked in the IP customization GUI), this output is used by the core to communicate the allocated tag for each Non-Posted request received from the client. The tag value on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag0 is valid for one cycle when pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag_vld0 is High. The client must copy this tag and use it to associate the completion data with the pending request.

There can be a delay of several cycles between the transfer of the request on the pcie(n)_s_axis_rq_tdata bus and the assertion of pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag_vld0 by the core to provide the allocated tag for the request. The client can, meanwhile, continue to send new requests. The tags for requests are communicated on this bus in FIFO order. Therefore, the user application must associate the allocated tags with the requests in the order in which the requests were transferred over the interface.

When pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag0 and pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag1 are both valid in the same cycle, the value on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag0 corresponds to the earlier of the two requests transferred over the interface.



20 O The description of this signal is the same as pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag0, except the tag value on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag1 is valid for one cycle when pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_tag_vld1 is asserted.
pcie0_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0 pcie1_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0 6 O You might optionally use this output to keep track of the progress of the request in the core's transmit pipeline. To use this feature, the user application must provide a sequence number for each request on the pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0[5:0] bus. The core outputs this sequence number on the pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0[5:0] output when the request TLP has progressed to a point in the pipeline where a Completion TLP from the client will not be able to pass it. This mechanism enables the client to maintain ordering between Completions sent to the completer completion interface of the core and Posted requests sent to the requester request interface.

Data on the pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0[5:0] output is valid when pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num_ vld0 is high.

pcie0_cfg_status_rq_seq_num1 pcie1_cfg_status_rq_seq_num1 6 O This output is identical in function to that of pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0. It is used to provide a second sequence number in the same cycle when a first sequence number is being presented on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0.

Data on the pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num1[5:0] output is valid when pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num_vld1 is High.

pcie0_cfg_status_rq_seq_num_vld0 pcie1_cfg_status_rq_seq_num_vld0 1 O This output is asserted by the core for one cycle when it has placed valid data on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num0[5:0].
pcie0_cfg_status_rq_seq_num_vld1 pcie1_cfg_status_rq_seq_num_vld1 1 O This output is asserted by the core for one cycle when it has placed valid data on pcie(n)_cfg_status_rq_seq_num1[5:0].