The following are the APIs supported by PS VIP:
APIs | Inputs | Outputs |
write_data Initiate a WRITE transaction (transfer size<= 16 bytes) on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns write response when the write transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.write_data("R5_API",44'hFFFC_0000, 4, data,response); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: Write address [4:0] wr_size: Number of bytes to be written. Valid Write Sizes are:
Note: Transfer should not
cross the 16-byte boundary.
[127:0] w_data: Data to be written |
[1:0] response: The slave write response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
read_data Initiate a READ transaction (transfer size<= 16 bytes) on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns data and response when the read transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.everest_bfm.read_data("R5_API",44'hFFFC_0000, 4, data, response); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: Read address [4:0] rd_size: Number of bytes to be read Valid Read Sizes are:
Note: Transfer should not
cross the 16-byte boundary.
[127:0] rd_data: Valid Data from the slave [1:0] response: The slave read response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
write_data_32 Initiate a WRITE transaction of 4 bytes on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns write response when the write transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.write_data_32("R5_API",44'hFFFC_0000, data,response); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: write address [31:0] w_data: Data to be written |
[1:0] response: The slavevwrite response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
write_data_64 Initiate a WRITE transaction of 8 bytes on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns write response when the write transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.write_data_64("R5_API",44'hFFFC_0000, data,response); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: write address [63:0] w_data: Data to be written |
[1:0] response: The slave write response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
read_data_32 Initiate a READ transaction of 4 bytes on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns data and response when the read transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.read_data_32("R5_API",44'hFFFC_0000, data, response); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: Read address |
[31:0] rd_data: Valid Data from the slave [1:0] response: The slave read response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
read_data_64 Initiate a READ transaction of 8 bytes on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns data and response when the read transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.read_data_64("R5_API",44'hFFFC_0000, data, response); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: Read address |
[63:0] rd_data: Valid Data from the slave [1:0] response: The slave read response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
write_burst Initiate a single AXI write burst transaction (transfer size<= 128 bytes) on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns write response when the write transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.write_burst("AFI_API",44'hA000_0000,0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, wr_m_data,4 , wrs); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: Write address
[1:0] response: The slave write response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
read_burst Initiate a single AXI read burst transaction (transfer size<= 128 bytes) on one of the AXI-Master ports. This calls the AXI VIP API. This task returns data and response when the read transaction is completed. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.read_burst("AFI_API",44'hA000_0000,0,2,1,0,0,0,rd_m_data,rresp); |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [43:0] start_addr: Read address
[32767:0] rd_data: Valid Data from the slave [1:0] response: The slave Read response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
write_from_file Initiate an AXI write transaction on one of the AXI-Master ports. The write data is used from the file. Burst type used is INCR. This is a blocking task and returns only after the completion of AXI WRITE transaction. Need to pass FILE_DATA_WIDTH_128 for accessing files with 128-bit data contents. If FILE_DATA_WIDTH_128 is passed, then the address must be 128-bit aligned. If FILE_DATA_WIDTH_128 is not passed, then the address must be 32-bit aligned. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.write_from_file("R5_API","write_mgp.txt",40'h8000_0000,4,wrs) |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [1023:0] File_name: File name that stores the write data [43:0] start_addr: write address [31:0] wr_size: number of bytes to be written For 32-bit file contents, wr_size should be in mulitples of 4 For 128-bit file contents, wr_size should be in multiples of 16 |
[1:0] response: The slave write response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
read_to_file Initiate an AXI read transaction on one of the AXI-Master ports. The read data is written to a file. Burst type used is INCR. This is a blocking task and returns only after the completion of AXI READ transaction. Need to pass FILE_DATA_WIDTH_128 for accessing files with 128-bit data contents. If FILE_DATA_WIDTH_128 is passed, then the address must be 128-bit aligned. If FILE_DATA_WIDTH_128 is not passed, then the address must be 32-bit aligned. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.read_to_file("R5_API","read_mgp0.txt",40'h8000_0000,4,rresp) |
[1023:0] master_name: R5_API [1023:0] file_name: File name that stores the write data [43:0] start_addr: write address [31:0] rd_size: number of bytes to be read For 32-bit file contents, rd_size should be in mulitples of 4 For 128-bit file contents, rd_size should be in multiples of 16 |
[1:0] response: The slave write response from the following: [OKAY, EXOKAY, SLVERR, DECERR] |
pre_load_mem Preload OCM with random_data/all_zeros/all_ones. Based on the address and data type specified, the data is loaded in OCM. Address must be 32-bit aligned. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.pre_load_mem(2'b10,44'hFFFF_0000,4); |
[1:0] data_type: Random, zeros or ones
[43:0] start_addr: Start Address from where OCM should be initialized with the data [31:0] no_of_bytes: Number of data bytes to be loaded |
None |
pre_load_mem_from_file Preload OCM with data from a file. Based on the address specified, the data is loaded in OCM. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.pre_load_mem_from_file("preload_ocm.txt",addr1,no_bytes_transfer_ocm); |
[1023:0] file_name: File name (max. 256 characters) [43:0] start_addr: Start Address from where OCM should be initialized with data from the file [31:0] Num lines: Number of lines (each row should match 32 bits) |
None |
peek_mem_to_file This reads from the OCM and prints to a file. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.peek_mem_to_file(“read_ocm_test_sanity.txt"},addr1,no_of_bytes); |
[1023:0] file_name: File name (max. 128 characters; Read data is written to this file) [43:0] start_addr: Start Address to read the data from [31:0] no_of_bytes: Number of data bytes to be read |
None |
write_mem Back door write to the OCM memory. Based on the address specified, the data is written to OCM. Address must be 32-bit aligned. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.write_mem(data,40'hFFFF_2000, no_of_bytes); |
[8191:0] data: Write data to be written to memory [43:0] start_addr: Start Address to write the data from [15:0] no_of_bytes: Number of data bytes to be write (max. 128 bytes) |
None |
read_mem Back door read from the OCM memory. Based on the address specified, the data is read from OCM. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.read_mem(40'hFFFF_4000, 128, rd_m_data); |
[43:0] start_addr: Start Address to read the data from [15:0] no_of_bytes: Number of data bytes to be read |
[8191:0] data: read data from memory. |
por_reset Soft reset for VIP. It is a mandatory reset. It's Active Low reset. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.por_reset(1) → De-asserts the BFM's reset `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.por_reset(0) → Asserts the BFM's reset |
por_reset_ctrl: 1-bit input reset to VIP. por_reset_ctrl is active-Low input |
None |
pl_gen_reset This API will assert the PS to PL resets. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.pl_gen_reset(4'hE) → De-asserts the PLRST1N, PLRST2N and PLRST3N. → Asserts the PLRST0N |
[3:0] reset_ctrl Depending on the reset_ctrl value, one of the reset is asserted. reset_ctrl is Active Low input. Example:
Any combination of above is also possible. reset_ctrl: 4’h3, PLRST2N, PLRST3N are asserted |
None |
pl_gen_clock This API generates the PS to PL clocks with the frequency in MHz as the input along with the clock port number. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.pl_gen_clock(0,100) → Generates PMCRCLKCLK[0] with 100Mhz frequency |
[1:0] clk_num: 2’b00 -> PMCRCLKCLK[0]
[31:0] freq_in_mhz: This can be any integer value |
None |
read_interrupt Use this API to poll the interrupt status at any given time. This is a non-blocking task to poll the interrupt status and returns immediately with current state on interrupt lines. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.read_interrupt() It returns the interrupt status (16-bit) for {PLPSIRQ1,PLPSIRQ0}. |
None |
[15:0] irq_status: Interrupts generated by PL. |
wait_interrupt Use this API to wait for any of the interrupt to occur. This is a blocking task to wait for an interrupt to occur and returns immediately with any of the four interrupt lines asserts. Example:
Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.wait_interrupt(14)
[3:0] irq: Interrupt line number
[15:0] irq_status: Interrupts generated by PL. irq_status = {PLPSIRQ1[7:0] ,PLPSIRQ0[7:0]}. |
trigger_interrupt Use this API to trigger an interrupt pin (IRQFPD/IRQLDP/IRQPMC) of the PL. This is a non blocking task for triggering the interrupts. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.trigger_interrupt(1,10) |
[1:0] intr_type: To specify either IRQFPD/TRQLPD/IRQPMC 01: IRQFPD, 10: IRQLPD, 11: IRQPMC [7:0] interrupt_no: Interrupt pin number/index of the particular index type Example: If, intr_type: 10, interrupt_no : 32 Then, IRQLPD[32] is triggered. |
None |
clear_interrupt Use this API to clear an interrupt pin (IRQFPD/IRQLDP/IRQPMC) of the PL. This is a non blocking task for clearing the interrupts. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.clear_interrupt(1,10) |
[1:0] intr_type: To specify either IRQFPD/TRQLPD/IRQPMC 01: IRQFPD, 10: IRQLPD, 11: IRQPMC [7:0] interrupt_no: Interrupt pin number/index of the particular index type Example: If, intr_type: 10, interrupt_no : 32 Then, IRQLPD[32] is cleared |
None |
read_register This API call is for reading a 32-bit register value. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.read_register(32'hFFA80000) |
[31:0] addr: Register address | [31:0] DATA: Valid register read data |
select_cci_boundary This API can be used to select the CCI address boundary to be either 4K/2K/1K. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.select_cci_boundary(0) |
[1:0] cci_boundary 2’b00: 4K 2’b01: 2K 2’b10: 1K 2’b11: Undefined By default, it is 4K |
None |
fatal_to_warning This API is used to convert the FATAL messages reported for the components R5_API, OCM and REG space. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.fatal_to_warning("R5_API") |
[1023:0] component_name Permitted component names are:
None |
set_routing_config This API is used to provide the routing information inside the PS VIP. It also prints the entire routing information configured. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.set_routing_config("R5_API","OCM",1) Above API call enables the routing from R5_API to OCM `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.set_routing_config("R5_API","OCM",0) Above API call disables the routing from R5_API to OCM |
[8191:0] source_port_name: Incoming ports of PS CIPS VIP Supported source port names:
[8191:0] destination_port_name: Outgoing ports from the PS CIPS VIP Supported destination port names:
None |
get_routing_config This API call is used to print the configured routing information. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.get_routing_config(); |
None | None |
cfg_slverr_address_range This API call sets an address range for which SLVERR response is expected. This API can be called multiple times for multiple such address ranges. It also prints all the configured SLVERR address ranges. Example: `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.cfg_slverr_address_range('hFFFC_0204,'hFFFC_0204,1); |
[63:0] slverr_start_address [63:0] slverr_end_address set_slv_error
None |
write_register This API is for performing back door register write. `TOP.versal_cips_ps_bfm.write_register(32'gFFA80000,32'hAAAAAAAA,4); |
[31:0] addr : Register address [31:0] data : Data to be written to the register int size : Number of bytes to be written. Possible values are 1,2,3 and 4 only. |
None |