PF IDs Tab - 3.4 English - PG346

Versal Adaptive SoC CPM Mode for PCI Express Product Guide (PG346)

Document ID
Release Date
3.4 English

The following figure shows the Identity Settings parameters.

Figure 1. PF IDs Tab

PF0 ID Initial Values
Vendor ID
Identifies the manufacturer of the device or application. Valid identifiers are assigned by the PCI Special Interest Group to guarantee that each identifier is unique. The default value, 10EEh, is the Vendor ID for AMD. Enter a vendor identification number here. FFFFh is reserved.
Device ID
A unique identifier for the application; the default value depends on the configuration selected. The default value is B0<link speed><link width>h. This field can be any value; change this value for the application. The default Device ID parameter is based on:
  • The device family: B for Versal.
  • EP or RP mode.
  • Link width: 1 for x1, 2 for x2, 4 for x4, 8 for x8, and F for x16.
  • Link speed: 1 for Gen1, 2 for Gen2, 3 for Gen3, 4 for Gen4, and 5 for Gen5.

If any of the above values are changed, the Device ID value is re-evaluated, replacing the previous set value.

Revision ID
Indicates the revision of the device or application; an extension of the Device ID. The default value is 00h; enter a value appropriate for the application.
Subsystem Vendor ID
Further qualifies the manufacturer of the device or application. Enter a Subsystem Vendor ID here; the default value is 10EEh. Typically, this value is the same as Vendor ID. Setting the value to 0000h can cause compliance testing issues.
Subsystem ID
Further qualifies the manufacturer of the device or application. This value is typically the same as the Device ID; the default value depends on the lane width and link speed selected. Setting the value to 0000h can cause compliance testing issues.
Class Code
The Class Code identifies the general function of a device, and is divided into three byte-size fields:
Base Class
Broadly identifies the type of function performed by the device.
More specifically identifies the device function.
Defines a specific register-level programming interface, if any, allowing device-independent software to interface with the device.

Class code encoding can be found at the PCI-SIG website.

Use Assistant
The Class Code Look-up Assistant provides the Base Class, Sub-Class and Interface values for a selected general function of a device. This Look-up Assistant tool only displays the three values for a selected function. You must enter the values in Class Code for these values to be translated into device settings.