Transfer Begin Period - 3.2 English - PG153

AXI Quad SPI LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG153)

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3.2 English

The definition of the transfer beginning period for the AXI Quad SPI core is consistent with the M68HC11 reference manual. This manual can be referenced for more details. All SPI transfers are started and controlled by a master SPI device.

As a slave, the processor considers a transfer to begin with the first SCK edge or the falling edge of SS̅, depending on the CPHA format selected. When CPHA equals zero, the falling edge of S̅S̅ indicates the beginning of a transfer. When CPHA equals one, the first edge on the SCK indicates the start of the transfer. In either CPHA format, a transfer can be aborted by de-asserting the SS̅(N) signal, which causes the SPI slave logic and bit counters to be reset. In this implementation, the software driver can deselect all slaves (that is, S̅S̅(N) is driven High) to abort a transaction. Although the hardware is capable of changing slaves during the middle of a single or burst transfer, the software should be designed to prevent this.

In slave configuration, the data is transmitted from the SPI DTR register on the first AXI rising clock edge following SS signal being asserted. The data should be available in the register or FIFO. If data is not available, then the underrun interrupt is asserted.