QDMA Descriptor Bypass Input Interface - 3.4 English - PG347

Versal Adaptive SoC CPM DMA and Bridge Mode for PCI Express Product Guide (PG347)

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3.4 English
Table 1. QDMA H2C-Streaming Bypass Input Interface Descriptions
Port Name I/O Description
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_addr[63:0] I 64-bit starting address of the DMA transfer.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_len[15:0] I The number of bytes to transfer.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_sop I Indicates start of packet. Set for the first descriptor. Reset for the rest of the descriptors.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_eop I Indicates end of packet. Set for the last descriptor. Reset for the rest of the descriptors
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_sdi I H2C Bypass In Status Descriptor/Interrupt

If set, it is treated as an indication from the user application to the QDMA to send the status descriptor to host, and to generate an interrupt to host when the QDMA has fetched the last byte of the data associated with this descriptor. The QDMA honors the request to generate an interrupt only if interrupts have been enabled in the H2C SW context for this QID and armed by the driver. This can only be set for an EOP descriptor.

QDMA will hang if the last descriptor without h2c_byp_in_st_sdi has an error. This results in a missing writeback, and hw_ctxt.dsc_pend bit that are asserted indefinitely. The workaround is to send a zero length descriptor to trigger the Completion (CMPT) Status.

dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_mrkr_req I H2C Bypass In Marker Request

When set, the descriptor passes through the H2C Engine pipeline and once completed, produces a marker response on the interface. This can only be set for an EOP descriptor.

dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_no_dma I H2C Bypass In No DMA

When sending a descriptor through the interface with this signal asserted, it informs the QDMA to not send any PCIe requests for this descriptor. Because no PCIe request is sent out, no corresponding DMA data is issued on the H2C Streaming output interface.

This signal is typically used in conjunction with h2c_byp_in_st_sdi to cause Status Descriptor/Interrupt when the user logic is out of the actual descriptors and still wants to drive the h2c_byp_in_st_sdi signal.

If dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_mrkr_req and h2c_byp_in_st_sdi are reset when sending in a no-DMA descriptor, the descriptor is treated as a NOP and is completely consumed inside the QDMA without any interface activity.

If dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_no_dma is set, both dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_sop and dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_eop must be set.

If dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_no_dma is set, the QDMA ignores the address and length fields of this interface.

dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_qid[10:0] I The QID associated with the H2C descriptor ring.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_error I This bit can be set to indicate an error for the queue. The descriptor will not be processed. Context will be updated to reflect an error in the queue
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_func[7:0] I PCIe function ID
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_cidx[15:0] I The CIDX that will be used for the status descriptor update and/or interrupt (aggregation mode). Generally the CIDX should be left unchanged from when it was received from the descriptor bypass output interface.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_port_id[2:0] I QDMA port ID
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_valid I Valid. High indicates descriptor is valid. One pulse for one descriptor.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_st_ready O Ready to take in descriptor
Table 2. QDMA H2C-MM Descriptor Bypass Input Port Descriptions
Port Name I/O Description
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_radr[63:0] I The read address for the DMA data.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_wadr[63:0] I The write address for the DMA data.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_len[27:0] I The DMA data length.

The upper 12 bits must be tied to 0. Thus only the lower 16 bits of this field can be used for specifying the length.

dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_sdi I

H2C-MM Bypass In Status Descriptor/Interrupt

If set, the signal is treated as an indication from the user logic to the QDMA to send the status descriptor to the host and generate an interrupt to the host when the QDMA has fetched the last byte of the data associated with this descriptor. The QDMA will honor the request to generate an interrupt only if interrupts have been enabled in the H2C ring context for this QID and armed by the driver.

QDMA will hang if the last descriptor without dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_sdi has an error. This results in a missing writeback, and the hw_ctxt.dsc_pend bit is asserted indefinitely. The workaround is to send a zero length descriptor to trigger the Completion (CMPT) Status.

dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_mrkr_req I

H2C-MM Bypass In Completion Request

Indication from the user logic that the QDMA must send a completion status to the user logic after the QDMA has completed the data transfer of this descriptor.

dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_qid[10:0] I The QID associated with the H2C descriptor ring.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_error I This bit can be set to indicate an error for the queue. The descriptor will not be processed. Context will be updated to reflect and error in the queue.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_func[7:0] I PCIe function ID
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_cidx[15:0] I The CIDX that will be used for the status descriptor update and/or interrupt (aggregation mode). Generally the CIDX should be left unchanged from when it was received from the descriptor bypass output interface.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_port_id[2:0] I QDMA port ID
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_valid I Valid. High indicates descriptor is valid, one pulse for one descriptor.
dma0_h2c_byp_in_mm_ready O Ready to take in descriptor
Table 3. QDMA C2H-Streaming Cache Bypass Input Port Descriptions
Port Name I/O Description
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_csh_addr [63:0] I 64 bit address where DMA writes data.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_csh_qid [10:0] I The QID associated with the C2H descriptor ring.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_csh_error I This bit can be set to indicate an error for the queue. The descriptor will not be processed. Context will be updated to reflect and error in the queue.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_csh_func [7:0] I PCIe function ID
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_csh_port_id[2:0] I QDMA port ID
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_csh_valid I Valid. High indicates descriptor is valid, one pulse for one descriptor.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_csh_ready O Ready to take in descriptor.
Table 4. QDMA C2H-Streaming Simple Bypass Input Port Descriptions
Port Name I/O Description
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_sim_addr [63:0] I 64-bit address where DMA writes data.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_sim_qid [10:0] I The QID associated with the C2H descriptor ring.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_sim_error I This bit can be set to indicate an error for the queue. The descriptor will not be processed. Context will be updated to reflect an error in the queue.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_sim_func [7:0] I PCIe function ID
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_sim_port_id[2:0] I QDMA port ID
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_sim_valid I Valid. High indicates descriptor is valid. One pulse for one descriptor.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_st_sim_ready O Ready to take in descriptor.
Table 5. QDMA C2H-MM Descriptor Bypass Input Port Descriptions
Port Name I/O Description
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_raddr [63:0] I The read address for the DMA data.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_wadr[63:0] I The write address for the DMA data.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_len[27:0] I The DMA data length.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_sdi I

C2H Bypass In Status Descriptor/Interrupt

If set, it is treated as an indication from the user logic to the QDMA to send the status descriptor to host, and generate an interrupt to host when the QDMA has fetched the last byte of the data associated with this descriptor. The QDMA will honor the request to generate an interrupt only if interrupts have been enabled in the C2H ring context for this QID and armed by the driver.

dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_mrkr_req I

C2H Bypass In Marker Request

Indication from the user logic that the QDMA must send a completion status to the user logic after the QDMA has completed the data transfer of this descriptor.

dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_qid [10:0] I The QID associated with the C2H descriptor ring.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_error I This bit can be set to indicate an error for the queue. The descriptor will not be processed. Context will be updated to reflect and error in the queue.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_func [7:0] I PCIe function ID
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_cidx [15:0] I The User must echo the CIDX from the descriptor that it received on the bypass-out interface.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_port_id[2:0] I QDMA port ID
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_valid I Valid. High indicates descriptor is valid. One pulse for one descriptor.
dma0_c2h_byp_in_mm_ready O Ready to take in descriptor.