The CPM block within Versal devices has a fixed set of GTs that can be used for each of the two PCIE controllers. These GTs are shared between the two PCIE controllers and High Speed Debug Port (HSDP) as such x16 link widths are only supported when a single PCIE controller is in use and HSDP is disabled. When two CPM PCIE controllers or one PCIE controller and HSDP are enabled each link will be limited to a x8 link width. GT Quad allocation for CPM happens at GT Quad granularity and must include all GT Quads from the most adjacent to the CPM to the topmost GT Quad that is in use by the CPM. GT Quads that are used or between GT Quads that are used by the CPM (for either PCIe or HSDP) cannot be shared with PL resources even if GTs within the quad are not in use.
CPM in Single Controller Mode
When a single PCIE controller in the CPM is being used and HSDP is disabled, PCIe x1, x2, x4, x8, and x16 link widths are supported. PCIe lane0 is places at the bottom-most GT of the bottom-most GT Quad that is directly above the CPM. Subsequent lanes use the next available GTs moving vertically up the device as the lane number increments. This means the highest PCIe lane number uses the top-most GT in the top-most GT Quad that is used for PCIe. Because the GT locations and lane ordering for CPM is fixed it cannot be modified through IP customization.
As stated previously GT Quad allocation happens at GT Quad granularity and cannot share unused GT Quad resources with the PL. This means that CPM PCIe controller 0 configurations that use x1 or x2 link widths will not use all the GTs within the Quad and that these GTs cannot be used in the PL for additional GT connectivity. Unused GT Quads in this configuration can be used by the PL to implement PL GT based solutions.
When CPM PCIe controller 0 and High Speed Debug Port (HSDP) is enabled, a PCIe link width of x16 cannot be used and the CPM will use all three GT Quads that are directly above the CPM regardless of PCIe link width. In this configuration, these GT Quads are allocated to CPM and cannot be shared with PL resources. CPM PCIe lanes 0-7 will be unchanged in their GT selection and lane ordering. HSDP will use the bottom-most GT that is the third GT Quad away from CPM. This corresponds to the same location as PCIe lane 8 for a x16 link configuration. The fourth GT Quad in this configuration is not use by CPM and can be used to implement PL GT based solutions.
CPM in Dual Controller Mode
When the CPM is configured to use two PCIE controllers, High Speed Debug Port (HSDP) cannot be used because it shares GTs with the two PCIE controllers. Each PCIE controller can support x1, x2, x4 and x8 link widths in this configuration. This configuration will use at least the bottom three GT Quads closest to the CPM. These GT Quads cannot be used by PL resources. If CPM PCIE controller 1 is using a link width of x1, x2, or x4; then CPM uses three GT Quads. In this case the fourth GT Quad can be used by PL resources to implement GT based solutions. If CPM PCIE controller 1 is using a x8 link width, all four GT Quads will be used by the CPM and cannot be used by PL resources.
CPM PCIE controller 0 lane0 is placed at the bottom-most GT of the bottom-most GT Quad that is directly above the CPM. Subsequent lanes use the next available GTs moving vertically up the device as the lane number increments. CPM PCIE controller 0 lane7 connects to the top-most GT in the second GT Quad away from the CPM.
CPM PCIE controller 1 lane0 is places at the bottom-most GT of third GT Quad above the CPM. Subsequent lanes use the next available GTs moving vertically up the device as the lane number increments. CPM PCIE controller 1 lane7 connects to the top-most GT in the fourth GT Quad away from the CPM.
High Speed Debug Port (HSDP) Only Modes
When the CPM is configured to use the High Speed Debug Port (HSDP) without enabling either PCIe controller, the bottom-most GT in the bottom-most GT Quad closest to CPM should be used. This will allow the CPM to use only one GT Quad and allow the next three GT Quads to be used by PL resources.
HSDP can also be enabled for the bottom-most GT in the third GT Quad up from CPM. In this scenario CPM will use three GT Quads and only use one GT. The remaining unused GTs cannot be used or shared by PL resources. As result typically HSDP will not be used in this configuration.