CPM4 QDMA0 Gen4x8 Functional example design.
- This design has CPM4 – QDMA0 enabled in Gen4x8 configuration as an End Point
- The design targets VCK190 board and it supports Synthesis and Implementation flows
- The associated drivers can be downloaded from GitHub
- Enables QDMA AXI4-MM and QDMA AXI-ST functionality with 4 PF and 252 VFs
- Capable of exercising AXI4-MM, AXI-ST path, and descriptor bypass
- Design also includes DDR
Example design registers can only be controlled through the AXI4-Lite master interface. To test the QDMA's AXI4-Stream interface, ensure that the AXI4-Lite master interface is present. Following are the example design registers: