Port Name | I/O | Description |
dma<n>_st_rx_msg_tvalid | O | Valid |
dma<n>_st_rx_msg_tdata[31:0] | O |
Beat 1: {REQ_ID[15:0], VDM_MSG_CODE[7:0], VDM_MSG_ROUTING[2:0], VDM_DW_LENGTH[4:0]} Beat 2: VDM Lower Header [31:0] or {(Payload_length=0), VDM Higher Header [31:0]} Beat 3 to Beat <n>: VDM Payload |
dma<n>_st_rx_msg_tlast | O | Indicate the last beat |
dma<n>_st_rx_msg_tready | I | Ready. Note: When this interface is not used, Ready must be
tied-off to 1.
RX Vendor Defined Messages are stored in shallow FIFO before they are transmitted to output ports. When there are many back to back VDM messages, FIFO overflows and these messages are dropped. It is best to repeat VDM messages at regular intervals.