Port Name | I/O | Description |
dma0_mgmt_req_adr[31:0] | I | QDMA register address |
dma0_mgmt_req_dat[31:0] | I | data value to be written. |
dma0_mgmt_req_cmd[1:0] | I | 2'b00 : read 2'b01 : write 2'b10 : reserved 2'b11 : reserved |
dma0_mgmt_req_fnc[12:0] | I | Function number |
dma0_mgmt_req_msc[5:0] | I | Reserved. Assign all zeroes |
dma0_mgmt_req_rdy | O | Ready |
dma0_mgmt_req_vld | I | Valid, asserted for one clock cycle if rdy is asserted |
dma0_mgmt_cpl_dat[31:0] | O | Data from QDMA IP |
dma0_mgmt_cpl_rdy | I | Ready |
dma0_mgmt_cpl_sts[1:0] | O |
dma0_mgmt_cpl_vld | O | Valid asserted for one clock cycle, if rdy is asserted |
QDMA Management port should be connected to mailbox ports as described in CPM5 Mailbox IP.