Controlling FIFO Modes

Versal Adaptive SoC SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010)

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1.5 English

FIFO modes are controlled on a per-NIBBLESLICE basis, as determined by the FIFO_MODE_<0-5> attribute.

When the write and read pointers equal each other, FIFO_EMPTY is asserted. This is the starting point for the following ASYNC latency waveforms. If the read pointer is locked at one location (for example, FIFO_RDEN is deasserted) but the write pointer is still incrementing, after eight FIFO_WR_CLK cycles the write pointer wraps around to the read pointer location. When this occurs, new data appears at the Q<0-5> pin and FIFO_EMPTY is asserted again.

Important: Do not register FIFO_EMPTY as part of the FIFO_RDEN = !FIFO_EMPTY connection when receiving a strobe (as opposed to a capture clock), regardless of if the flop is located in the BLI or PL. See Figure 1.

The following table describes FIFO-related attributes in a simplified way. For a complete description, refer to Attributes.

Table 1. FIFO-Related Attributes
Attribute Description
FIFO_MODE_<0-5> Determines the clocking topology of the FIFOs within the RX datapath.
RX_DATA_WIDTH Determines the deserialization for the RX datapath, which affects the DATAIN to Qx mapping.

Mapping of DATAIN to Qx is shown in the following table, where DATAIN[x] corresponds to NIBBLESLICE[x]. Refer to the latency waveforms below for the context of P0, N0, …, P3, N3.

Table 2. DATAIN[x] to Qx Mapping
Deserialization (RX_DATA_WIDTH) DATAIN[x]
N3 P3 N2 P2 N1 P1 N0 P0
1:8 Qx[3] Qx[7] Qx[2] Qx[6] Qx[1] Qx[5] Qx[0] Qx[4]
1:4 Qx[3] Qx[7] Qx[2] Qx[6]
1:2 Qx[3] Qx[7]


  • FIFO_EMPTY can take two to three cycles to change values
  • The two to three cycle latency ensures that the write pointer is always two to three locations ahead of the read pointer during operation
  • FIFO_RD_CLK must be the same frequency as FIFO_WR_CLK, but is phase independent
  • FIFO_EMPTY and Qx are in the FIFO_RD_CLK domain

DATAIN and Q in the following figures refer to a single NIBBLESLICE. DATAIN[x] maps to one of the Qx outputs. The waveforms show NIBBLESLICE[2], but applies to any NIBBLESLICE.

Note: In ASYNC mode the FIFO_WR_CLK is available when using the Advanced I/O Wizard. Clock constraints applied to any Strobe/RdClk pins are not propagated to the FIFO_WR_CLK pins. Create a clock constraint on clock buffers generated by the FIFO_WR_CLK.
Figure 1. 8-bit RX Datapath Latency when FIFO_MODE_x = ASYNC
Figure 2. 4-bit RX Datapath Latency when FIFO_MODE_x = ASYNC
Figure 3. 2-bit RX Datapath Latency when FIFO_MODE_x = ASYNC