The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Section | Revision Summary |
03/18/2024 Version 1.5 | |
IO_VR | Updated section. |
Single Data Rate Flip-Flops and Uncalibrated IOB Delay | Updated note about tristate control. |
Figure 1 and Figure 1 | Updated figure. |
Table 2 |
Table 4 and Table 3 |
Table 5, Table 8, Table 2, and Table 6 | Removed support for RTT_NONE. |
Figure 1 | Updated IOBUF_DCIEN. |
Table 1 | Added RTT_NONE to allowed values for ODT. |
Table 4 | Updated note 1. |
Table 2 and Table 2 | Removed VREF. |
Adjusting Receiver VREF Levels |
Table 1 | Clarified description of VREF_NIB. |
Calibrated Termination (Digitally Controlled Impedance) | Removed specific reference to bank 700 to make applicable to more devices with IO_VR pins. |
Differential Termination Attribute | Updated description of differential termination. |
XP IOB Pre-emphasis and Equalization | Updated description of PRE_EMPHASIS attribute. |
HD IOL Features | Clarified ODELAY sharing between data and tristate. |
Table 1 | Removed output primitive support for LVDS, SLVS, and LVPECL. |
10/21/2022 Version 1.4 | |
FIFO | Updated description of FIFO_RD_CLK. |
Controlling FIFO Modes | Added SYNC and BYPASS usage descriptions and timing waveforms. |
Table 1 | Clarified that PHY_WREN/PHY_RDEN must be deasserted during the reset sequence and when issuing a BS_RESET from the RIU interface. |
Table 1 |
Uncalibrated IOB Delay | Added description of shared clock in IOLOGIC. |
Table 8 | Added RTT_NONE for POD12 to ODT. |
XP IOB Supported Differential Standards | Updated table headers to reflect differential UNISIMs. |
Table 3 and Table 6 | Added RTT_NONE to ODT. |
MIPI-DPHY Output Buffer Primitive | Updated description of HSTX_I for OBUFDS_DPHY_COMP primitive. |
Table 2 | Updated HSTX_I port description for OBUFDS_DPHY_COMP primitive. |
Table 1 | Expanded description of ISTANDARD and VREF_NIB attributes. |
XP IOB Pre-emphasis and Equalization | Removed AC coupling requirement and clarified pre-emphasis usage. |
HD IOL Features | Added sentence about shared clocking resources on IOLOGIC site. |
03/02/2022 Version 1.3 | |
Bidirectional Datapath | Removed inter-nibble clocking from first PHY_RDEN bullet. |
FIFO | Updated title of Figure 1 and added Figure 2. |
Controlling Tristate Control | Added Figure 1 and Figure 2. |
Ports | Added note about high-performance interfaces. |
Controlling TX to RX Loopback | Clarified inter-nibble and inter-byte clocking when using TX to RX loopback. |
Table 21 | Clarified crse_dly bs_reset latency in description of bit [14]. |
Table 1 | Removed inter-byte clocking from description of PHY_RDEN. |
Uncalibrated IOB Delay |
XP IOB Primitives |
XP IOB Supported Single-Ended Standards | Expanded description of SSTL15 IOSTANDARD. |
MIPI-DPHY Output Buffer Primitive |
XPIO_VREF Primitive | Added Table 1. |
XP IOB Internal VREF | Updated first paragraph. |
Adjusting Receiver VREF Levels | |
Table 1 | Added columns for estimated gain. |
XP IOB Features, Attributes, and Constraints, IOSTANDARD, Drive, Slew Control and the VOH Attribute, and IBUF_LOW_PWR Attribute | Updated sections. |
HD IOL Features |
HD IOB Resources | Adjusted performance guidance for HDIO and modified data rate. |
HD IOB Features | Added IOSTANDARD constraint description. |
04/02/2021 Version 1.2 | |
XP XPHY | Clarified that IOL and XPHY must be used independently, and that the nibble dictates inter-nibble clock capabilities. |
XPHY Nibble |
Bidirectional Datapath |
Clocking | Clarified NIBBLESLICE[1]'s involvement in receiving a complementary clock. |
Controlling Delays |
FIFO | Added SYNC and BYPASS modes. |
Controlling Tristate Control | Added note that the delay for the tri-state control must be updated through the RIU interface. |
Table 2 | Updated Controlled By column for delay calibration and VTC. |
Controlling TX to RX Loopback | Added sentence that TXRX_LOOPBACK_# is not supported when SERIAL_MODE = TRUE. |
Controlling IBUF_DISABLE and DYN_DCI | Added paragraph about how PHY_RDEN is translated to DYN_DCI/IBUF_DISABLE. Updated notes 1 and 2 in Table 1. |
Register Interface Unit |
Table 1 |
Table 1 | Updated description of CONTINUOUS_DQS, FIFO_MODE_<0-5>, RX_CLK_PHASE_N, RX_CLK_PHASE_P, RX_GATING, and TXRX_LOOPBACK_<0-5>. |
Reset Sequence | Clarified that NIBBLESLICE[0] must be used for proper output delay calibration of each NIBBLESLICE in a nibble. |
XPHY Usage | Added paragraph about BLI flip-flops. |
Table 2 | Added note to explain when input VCCO levels can be modified. |
XP IOB Supported Single-Ended Standards | Updated JEDEC standard references to reflect 1.2V and 1.5V LVCMOS standards. |
XP IOB IBUFDISABLE | Updated description of SIM_DEVICE attributes. |
Single Data Rate Flip-Flops | Replaced NIBBLESLICE with IOL. |
HD IOB Supported Single-Ended Standards | Added JEDEC specifications JESD8-7A and JESD8-5A to include 2.5V and 1.8V LVCMOS standards. |
Table 1, Table 2, Table 1, Table 2, Table 1, Table 2, Table 1, and Table 2 | Clarified that IBUFDISABLE is not supported in HD IOB. |
Table 1 | Removed support for 2 mA from DRIVE attribute. |
11/24/2020 Version 1.1 | |
Bidirectional Datapath and Controlling IBUF_DISABLE and DYN_DCI | Added new sections. |
Table 2 | Updated Connection (RX) column for CLK_TO_LOWER, CLK_TO_UPPER. |
Delays |
Controlling Delays | Updated section and added Figure 3. |
Controlling FIFO Modes | Added note about not registering FIFO_EMPTY as part of the FIFO_RDEN = !FIFO_EMPTY connection. |
Tristate Control | Rewrote section. |
Controlling Tristate Control | Rewrote first sentence. |
Table 2 | Updated second bullet in Controlled By column for VTC. |
Controlling IBUF_DISABLE and DYN_DCI | Added PHY SM description and sequence. |
Register Interface Unit |
Table 4 | Updated description of bits [0], [1], and [2]. |
Table 5 | Updated description of bit [13]. |
Table 23 | Added new table. |
Table 26 | Updated description of bits [9:0]. |
Table 1 | Updated description of PHY_RDEN, PHY_WREN, DYN_DCI, RST, TX_RST, and IBUF_DISABLE. |
Table 1 | Updated description of CONTINUOUS_DQS, ODT_SRC_<0-5>, RX_GATING, TX_INIT_<0-5>, and TX_INIT_TRI. |
Reset Sequence | Updated section, including both figures. |
XPHY Usage | Added Tcl commands to change time value of input and output delays of a NIBBLESLICE. |
Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, Table 9, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, and Table 7 | Removed OFFSET_CNTRL attribute. |
Table 2 and Table 2 | Updated description of OSC[3:0], OSC_EN[1:0], and VREF. |
Table 1 | Added VOH (DIFF_SSTL15 ONLY) attribute. |
Table 4 | Added note about bidirectional configuration on I/O standards. |
Receiver Offset Control | Removed section. |
Differential Termination Attribute | Added VCCO requirement for differential impedance block. |
DQS_BIAS, DC_BIAS, and AC Coupling | Updated DC_BIAS and AC Coupling Recommendations sections. |
XP IOB Pre-emphasis and Equalization | Updated first paragraph and Table 1. |
HD IOL Features | Updated DPLL section. |
Single-Ended Input Buffer Primitives | Removed IBUF_IBUFDISABLE throughout. |
Figure 1 | Added new figure. |
Differential Input Buffer Primitives | Replaced IBUFDISABLE with INTERMDISABLE throughout. |
Differential Bidirectional Buffer Primitives | Corrected primitive names throughout. |
07/29/2020 Version 1.0 | |
Initial release. | N/A |