Vector Up Sample - 2022.1 English - UG1483

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The Vector Up Sample block up samples input vector data. Inserted values can be zeros or copies of the most recent input sample.

Hardware notes: No hardware is needed if inserted values are copies of the input sample. Otherwise, a mux, and single bit flip-flop are used.


Super Sample Rate (SSR): This configurable GUI parameter is primarily used to control processing of multiple data samples on every sample period. This blocks enable 1-D vector support for the primary block operation.

The Vector Up Sample block increases the sample rate at the point where the block is placed in your design. The output sample period is l/n, where l is the input sample period, and n is the sampling rate.

The input signal is up sampled so that within an input sample frame, an input sample is either presented at the output n times if samples are copied, or presented once with (n-1) zeroes interspersed if zero padding is used.

In hardware, the Vector Up Sample block has two possible implementations. If the Copy Samples option is selected on the block parameters dialog box, the Din port is connected directly to Dout and no hardware is expended. Alternatively, if zero padding is selected, a mux is used to switch between the input sample, and inserted zeros. The corresponding circuit for the zero padding Vector Up Sample block is shown below.

Figure 1. Zero Padding Up Sample Circuit

Block Interface

The Vector Up Sample block receives two clock enable signals, Src_CE, and Dest_CE. Src_CE is the clock enable signal corresponding to the input data stream rate. Dest_CE is the faster clock enable, corresponding to the output data stream rate. Notice that the circuit uses a single flip-flop in addition to the mux. The flip-flop is used to adjust the timing of Src_CE, so that the mux switches to the data input sample at the start of the input sample period, and switches to the constant zero after the first input sample. It is important to notice that the circuit has a combinational path from Din to Dout. As a result, a Vector Up Sample block configured to zero pad should be followed by a register whenever possible.

Figure 2. Up Sample Output

Block Parameters

Open the Block Parameters dialog box by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink® model.

Basic tab
Parameters specific to the Basic tab are as follows.
Sampling rate (number of output samples per input sample)
Must be an integer with a value of 2 or greater. This is the ratio of the output sample period to the input, and is essentially a sample rate multiplier. For example, a ratio of 2 indicates a doubling of the input sample rate. If a non-integer ratio is desired, the Vector Up Sample block can be used in combination with the Vector Down Sample block.
Copy samples (otherwise zeros are inserted)
Allows you to choose what to do with the additional samples produced by the increased clock rate. By selecting Copy Samples, the same sample is duplicated (copied) during the extra sample times. If this checkbox is not selected, the additional samples are zero.
Provide enable port
When checked, this option adds an en (enable) input port, if the Latency is specified as a positive integer greater than zero.
This defines the number of sample periods by which the block's output is delayed. One sample period can correspond to multiple clock cycles in the corresponding FPGA implementation (for example, when the hardware is over-clocked with respect to the Simulink model). The user defined sample latency is handled in the Vector Up Sample block by placing shift registers that are clock enabled at the input sample rate, on the input of the block. The behavior of a Vector Up Sample block with non-zero latency is similar to putting a delay block, with equivalent latency, at the input of an Vector Up Sample block with zero latency.

Parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.