Conditional - 2022.1 English

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Pass through input T when control input C satisfies a selected criteria; otherwise, pass through input F. The first and third input ports are data ports, and the second input port is the control port.


Signal Routing


The Conditional block passes through input T when control input C satisfies the selected criteria; otherwise, it passes through input F. The first and third input ports are data ports, and the second (or middle) input port is the control port.

Data Type Support

Data type support for the Conditional block is:

  • Inputs T and F should either be both complex or real, and can be scalar, vector, or matrix. For non fixed-point data types, inputs T and F do not necessarily have the same data type. But, for fixed point data types, both these inputs should be of fixed-point type. In that case the output data type will be fixed-point, and the number of integer and fractional bits will be set to accommodate both inputs without loss of precision. For example, if one of the inputs is x_sfix16_En10 (1 signed bit, 5 integer bits and 10 fractional bits), and the other is x_sfix16_En5 (1 signed bit, 10 integer bits, and 5 fractional bits), the output will be x_sfix21_En10 (1 signed bit, 10 integer bits, and 10 fractional bits).
  • Input C can be a scalar, vector, or matrix if inputs T and F are scalars and Threshold parameter is scalar. In this case, the output dimension matches with the input C dimension. Input C must match the dimension of input T and F if they are non scalars. Input C should be real and can be of any data type.


Criteria for passing first input

This parameter is used to select the condition under which the block passes the first input (T). If the control input C meets the condition set in the Criteria for passing first input parameter, the block passes the first input (T). Otherwise, the block passes the third input (F).

Settings for the Criteria for passing first input parameter are:

Table 1. Criteria for Passing First Input Settings
Setting Description
C >= Threshold Select input T if control input C is greater than or equal to the Threshold parameter.
C > Threshold Select input T if control input C is greater than the Threshold parameter.
C ~= 0 Select input T if control input C is not equal to 0. Selecting C ~= 0 disables the Threshold parameter.

This parameter assigns the switch threshold that determines which input the block passes to the output. Threshold parameter is rounded to the same data type as that of the C input.

Table 2. Supported Threshold Settings
Settings Description
0 default value
real number, vector, or matrix any real scalar, vector or matrix

To specify a non-scalar threshold, use brackets. For example, the following entries are valid: [1 3 5].

For a non-scalar threshold, the inputs must be scalars. In that case, the output dimension is the same as the threshold dimension, and input 2 is compared to each element of the threshold, and depending on the criteria, either T or F is selected to populate the output signal.

Setting Criteria for passing first input to C ~= 0 disables this parameter.