DSP48E - 2022.1 English - UG1483

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

The Xilinx DSP48E block is an efficient building block for DSP applications that use supported devices. The DSP48E combines an 18-bit by 25-bit signed multiplier with a 48-bit adder and programmable mux to select the adder's input.

Operations can be selected dynamically. Optional input and multiplier pipeline registers can be selected as well as registers for the alumode, carryin and opmode ports. The DSP48E block can also target devices that do not contain the DSP48E hardware primitive if the Use synthesizable model option is selected on the Implementation tab.

Figure 1. DSP48E

Block Parameters

The block parameters dialog box can be invoked by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink® model.

Basic tab
A or ACIN input
Specifies if the A input should be taken directly from the a port or from the cascaded acin port. The acin port can only be connected to another DSP48 block.
B or BCIN input
Specifies if the B input should be taken directly from the b port or from the cascaded bcin port. The bcin port can only be connected to another DSP48 block.
Pattern Detection
Reset p register on pattern detection
If selected and the pattern is detected, reset the p register on the next cycle
Pattern Input
Pattern Input from c port
When selected, the pattern used in pattern detection is read from the c port.
Using Pattern Attribute (48bit hex value)
Value is used in pattern detection logic which is best described as an equality check on the output of the adder/subtractor/logic unit.
Pattern attribute
A 48-bit value that is used in the pattern detector.
Mask Input
Mask input from c port
When selected, the mask used in pattern detection is read from the c port.
Using Mask Attribute (48 bit hex value)
48-bit value used to mask out certain bits during pattern detection.
Mask attribute
A 48-bit value and used to mask out certain bits during a pattern detection. A value of 0 passes the bit, and a value of 1 masks out the bit.48-bit value and used to mask out certain bits during a pattern detection.
Select rounding mask
Selects special masks that can be used for symmetric or convergent rounding in the pattern detector. The choices are Select mask, Mode1, and Mode2.
Optional Ports tab
Input Ports
Consolidate control port
When selected, combines the opmode, alumode, carry_in and carry_in_sel ports into one 15-bit port. Bits 0 to 6 are the opmode, bits 7 to 10 are the alumode port, bit 11 is the carry_in port, and bits 12 to 14 are the carry_in_sel port. This option should be used when the Opmode block is used to generate a DSP48E instruction.
Provide c port
When selected, the c port is made available. Otherwise, the c port is tied to '0'.
Provide global reset port
When selected, the port rst is made available. This port is connected to all available reset ports based on the pipeline selections.
Provide global enable port
When selected, the optional en port is made available. This port is connected to all available enable ports based on the pipeline selections.
Cascadable Ports
Provide pcin port
When selected, the pcin port is exposed. The pcin port must be connected to the pcout port of another DSP48 block.
Provide carry cascade in port
When selected, the carry cascade in port is exposed. This port can only be connected to a carry cascade out port on another DSP48E block.
Provide multiplier sign cascade in port
When selected, the multiplier sign cascade in port (multsigncascin) is exposed. This port can only be connected to a multiplier sign cascade out port of another DSP48E block.
Output Ports
Provide carryout port
When selected, the carryout output port is made available. When the mode of operation for the adder/subtractor is set to one 48-bit adder, the carryout port is 1-bit wide. When the mode of operation is set to two 24 bit adders, the carryout port is 2 bits wide. The MSB corresponds to the second adder's carryout and the LSB corresponds to the first adder's carryout. When the mode of operation is set to four 12 bit adders, the carryout port is 4 bits wide with the bits corresponding to the addition of the 48 bit input split into 4 12-bit sections.
Provide pattern detect port
When selected, the pattern detection output port is provided. When the pattern, either from the mask or the c register, is matched the pattern detection port is set to '1'.
Provide pattern bar detect port
When selected, the pattern bar detection (patternbdetect) output port is provided. When the inverse of the pattern, either from the mask or the c register, is matched the pattern bar detection port is set to '1'.
Provide overflow port
When selected, the overflow output port is provided. This port indicates when the operation in the DSP48E has overflowed beyond the bit P[N] where N is between 1 and 46. N is determined by the number of 1s in the mask whether set by the GUI mask field or the c port input.
Provide underflow port
When selected, the underflow output port is provided. This port indicates when the operation in the DSP48E has underflowed. Underflow occurs when the number goes below –P[N] where N is determined by the number of 1s in the mask whether set by the GUI mask field or the c port input.
Cascadable Ports
Provide ACOUT port
When selected, the acout output port is made available. The acout port must be connected to the acin port of another DSP48E block.
Provide BCOUT port
When selected, the bcout output port is made available. The bcout port must be connected to the bcin port of another DSP48E block.
Provide PCOUT port
when selected, the pcout output port is made available. The pcout port must be connected to the pcin port of another DSP48 block.
Provide multiplier sign cascade out port
When selected, the multiplier sign cascade out port (multsigncascout) is made available. This port can only be connected to the multiplier sign cascade in port of another DSP48E block and is used to support 96-bit accumulators/adders and subtracters which are built from two DSP48Es.
Provide carry cascade out port
When selected, the carry cascade out port (carrycascout) is made available. This port can only be connected to the carry cascade in port of another DSP48E block.
Pipelining tab
Pipeline Options
Length of a/acin pipeline
Specifies the length of the pipeline on input register A. A pipeline of length 0 removes the register on the input.
Length of b/bCIN pipeline
Specifies the length of the pipeline for the b input whether it is read from b or bcin.
Length of acout pipeline
Specifies the length of the pipeline between the a/acin input and the acout output port. A pipeline of length 0 removes the register from the acout pipeline length. Must be less than or equal to the length of the a/acin pipeline.
Length of bcout pipeline
Specifies the length of the pipeline between the b/bcin input and the bcout output port. A pipeline of length 0 removes the register from the bcout pipeline length. Must be less than or equal to the length of the b/bcin pipeline.
Pipeline c
Indicates whether the input from the c port should be registered.
Pipeline p
Indicates whether the outputs p and pcout should be registered.
Pipeline multiplier
indicates whether the internal multiplier should register its output.
Pipeline opmode
Indicates whether the opmode port should be registered.
Pipeline alumode
Indicates whether the alumode port should be registered.
Pipeline carry in
Indicates whether the carry in port should be registered.
Pipeline carry in select
Indicates whether the carry in select port should be registered.
Reset/Enable Ports tab
Reset port for a/acin
When selected, a port rst_a is made available. This resets the pipeline register for port a when set to '1'.
Reset port for b/bcin
When selected, a port rst_b is made available. This resets the pipeline register for port b when set to '1'.
Reset port for c
When selected, a port rst_c is made available. This resets the pipeline register for port c when set to '1'.
Reset port for multiplier
when selected, a port rst_m is made available. This resets the pipeline register for the internal multiplier when set to '1'.
Reset port for P
When selected, a port rst_p is made available. This resets the output register when set to '1'.
Reset port for carry in
When selected, a port rst_carryin is made available. This resets the pipeline register for carry in when set to '1'.
Reset port for alumode
When selected, a port rst_alumode is made available. This resets the pipeline register for the alumode port when set to '1'.
Reset port for controls (opmode and carry_in_sel)
When selected, a port rst_ctrl is made available. This resets the pipeline register for the opmode register (if available) and the carry_in_sel register (if available) when set to '1'.
Enable port for first a/acin register
When selected, an enable port ce_a1 for the first a pipeline register is made available.
Enable port for second a/acin register
When selected, an enable port ce_a2 for the second a pipeline register is made available.
Enable port for first b/bcin register
When selected, an enable port ce_b1 for the first b pipeline register is made available.
Enable port for second b/bcin register
When selected, an enable port ce_b2 for the second b pipeline register is made available.
Enable port for c
When selected, an enable port ce_c for the port C register is made available.
Enable port for multiplier
When selected, an enable port ce_m for the multiplier register is made available.
Enable port for p
When selected, an enable port ce_p for the port P output register is made available.
Enable port for carry in
When selected, an enable port ce_carry_in for the carry in register is made available.
Enable port for alumode
When selected, an enable port ce_alumode for the alumode register is made available.
Enable port for multiplier carry in
When selected, an enable port mult_carry_in for the multiplier register is made available.
Enable port for controls (opmode and carry_in_sel)
When selected, the enable port ce_ctrl is made available. The port ce_ctrl controls the opmode and carry in select registers.
Implementation tab
Use synthesizable model
When selected, the DSP48E is implemented from an RTL description which might not map directly to the DSP48E hardware. This is useful if a design using the DSP48E block is targeted at device families that do not contain DSP48E hardware primitives.
Mode of operation for the adder/subtractor
This mode can be used to implement small add-subtract functions at high speed and lower power with less logic utilization. The adder and subtracter in the adder/subtracted/logic unit can also be split into two 24-bit fields or four12-bit fields. This is achieved by setting the mode of operation to "Two 24-bit adders" or "Four 12-bit adders".
Use adder only
When selected, the block is optimized in hardware for maximum performance without using the multiplier. If an instruction using the multiplier is encountered in simulation, an error is reported.

Other parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.