Gain - 2022.1 English

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English

Element-wise multiplication of the input by a constant gain factor


Math Functions / Math Operations


The Gain block multiplies the input signal by a constant gain factor.

You can specify the data type of the gain constant and built-in type promotion rules apply to determine the output data type. Alternatively, the output data type can be made the same as the input type. In case of integer overflow the block supports the option to saturate output values at the output type limits.

The block warns or errors out when an integer output overflows during simulation. To configure, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters > Diagnostics > Data Validity for your model in the Simulink Editor, then set the Wrap on overflow or Saturate on overflow parameter.

Data Type Support

The block supports all data types except Boolean.

Data type support for the block is:
  • The input can be a scalar, vector or matrix.
  • If the input is a vector or matrix and the Gain is a scalar, the scalar value will apply to all the elements of the input.
  • If neither the input nor the gain constant are scalar the dimensions of the input and the gain constant must match.

The output is complex if either the Gain constant or the input is complex.



Specifies the constant gain factor. The Gain can be any valid MATLAB expression that evaluates to a real or complex scalar, vector, or matrix.

Gain data type

This parameter specifies the type of conversion to be applied to the Gain factor constant before multiplication. If fixed is specified more parameters are available.

Settings for the Gain data type parameter are:

Table 1. Gain Data Type Parameter
Setting Description
double double precision floating-point
single single precision floating-point
int8 8-bit signed integer
uint8 8-bit unsigned integer
int16 16-bit signed integer
uint16 16-bit unsigned integer
int32 32-bit signed integer
uint32 32-bit unsigned integer
fixed fixed-point
half half precision floating-point
data type expression

A string that specifies the output data type. See "Working with Data Type Expression" in the Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483).

Unless the Output data type same as input parameter is enabled, the output data type will be a function of the input type and the specified Gain data type.

  • If either input or gain types are floating-point (double, single, or half), the output type will be floating-point. If both are floating-point, the output type will be the larger of both. The smaller type will be promoted to the larger before the operation.
  • Otherwise, if either of input or Gain data type are fixed-point, the output type will be fixed-point with a bit width sufficient to hold the full output result. The other type (input or Gain data type) will be promoted to its equivalent fixed-point type.
  • Otherwise, the input and Gain data type are integers. The output type will be the larger of either input or Gain data type, and will be a signed integer if either one is signed.

Output data type same as input

This parameter specifies the way the output data type is determined.

If disabled (unchecked) the output type is computed via built-in type promotion rules. If enabled (checked), the output data type is the same as the input type.

Saturate on integer overflow

This parameter specifies the behavior in case of integer overflow. By default the option is disabled and overflow would result in value wrap. With the option enabled, integer overflow gets mitigated by saturation at the limits of the output data type.

Settings for the Saturate on integer overflow parameter are:

Table 2. Saturate On Integer Overflow Parameter
Setting Description
Unchecked Wrap around
Checked Saturation

When overflow is detected, the Diagnostic Viewer displays messages that depend on the diagnostic action you specify in the Simulink Editor. To configure, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters > Diagnostics > Data Validity for your model in the Simulink Editor, then set the Wrap on overflow or Saturate on overflow parameter.