The Xilinx Addressable Shift Register block is a variable-length shift register in which any register in the delay chain can be addressed and driven onto the output data port.
The block operation is most easily thought of as a chain of registers, where each register output drives an input to a multiplexer, as shown below. The multiplexer select line is driven by the address port (addr). The output data port is shown below as q.
The Addressable Shift Register has a maximum depth of 1024 and a minimum depth of 2. The address input port, therefore, can be between 1 and 10 bits (inclusive). The data input port width must be between 1 and 255 bits (inclusive) when this block is implemented with the Xilinx LogiCORE (for example, when Use behavioral HDL (otherwise use core) is unchecked).
In hardware, the address port is asynchronous relative to the output port. In the block S-function, the address port is therefore given priority over the input data port, for example, on each successive cycle, the addressed data value is read from the register and driven to the output before the shift operation occurs. This order is needed in the Simulink® software model to guarantee one clock cycle of latency between the data port and the first register of the delay chain. (If the shift operation were to come first, followed by the read, then there would be no delay, and the hardware would be incorrect.)
Block Interface
The block interface (inputs and outputs as seen on the Addressable Shift Register icon) are as follows:
d | data input |
addr | address |
en | enable signal (optional) |
q | data output |
Block Parameters
- Basic tab
- Parameters specific to this block are as follows:
- Infer maximum latency (depth) using address port width
- You can choose to allow the block to automatically determine the depth or maximum latency of the shift-register-based on the bit-width of the address port.
- Maximum latency (depth)
- In the case that the maximum latency is not inferred (previous option), the maximum latency can be set explicitly.
- Initial value vector
- Specifies the initial register values. When the vector is longer than the shift register depth, the vector's trailing elements are discarded. When the shift register is deeper than the vector length, the shift register's trailing registers are initialized to zero.
Other parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.
- Implementation tab
- Parameters specific to this block are as follows:
- Optimization
- You can choose to optimize for Resource (minimum area) or for Speed (maximum performance).