FIR Asymmetric Decimation Stream - 2022.1 English

Vitis Model Composer User Guide (UG1483)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English


AI Engine/DSP/Stream IO


This block implements the stream-based FIR Asymmetric Decimation filter targeted for AI Engines.


Input data type/Output data type
Describes the type of individual data samples input to and output from the filter function. int16, cint16, int32, cint32, float, cfloat.
Filter coefficients data type
Describes the type of individual coefficients of the filter taps. It should be one of int16, cint16, int32, cint32, float, cfloat and must also satisfy the following rules:
  • Complex types are only supported when the Input/Output data type is also complex.
  • 32-bit types are only supported when the Input/Output data type is also a 32-bit type.
  • Filter coefficients data type must be an integer type if the Input/Output data type is an integer type.
  • Filter coefficients data type must be a float type if the Input/Output data type is a float type.
Specify filter coefficients via input port
When this option is enabled, the tool allows you to specify filter coefficients via the input port.
Filter coefficients
Specifies the asymmetric filter coefficients. The filter length must be in the range 4 to 240 and must be an integer multiple of the decimation factor.
Decimation factor
An unsigned integer which describes the decimation factor of the filter. It must be in the range 2 to 7.
Input frame size (Number of samples)
Describes the number of samples used as an input to the filter function. The number of values in the output window will be (Input window size/decimation factor). The input window size must be an integer multiple of the decimation factor and the resulting output window size must be a multiple of 256 bits.
Scale output down by 2^
Describes the power of 2 shift down applied to the accumulation of FIR terms before output. It must be in the range 0 to 61.
Rounding mode
Describes the selection of rounding to be applied during the shift down stage of processing. The rounding options are as follows:
  1. Floor (truncate)
  2. Ceiling
  3. Round to positive infinity
  4. Round to negative Infinity
  5. Round symmetrical to Infinity
  6. Round symmetrical to zero
  7. Round convergent to even
  8. Round convergent to odd

Modes 2 to 7 round to the nearest integer. They differ only in how they round for the value of 0.5.

Number of cascade stages:
  • Specifies the number of cascade stages. The tool will guarantee the same.